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the united states

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7y ago
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Lvl 1
4y ago
Its Europe you dumb
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Lvl 1
3y ago
You made me fail..
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Lvl 1
3y ago
it wrong.....
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_issiah. gonzales

Lvl 1
3y ago
Same :( u made me failll!!!
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bibi maryam safi

Lvl 1
3y ago
it was Europe not united states
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2y ago
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Anthony Tony5726

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2y ago
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7y ago
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Lvl 1
3y ago

Europe ( apex)

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Q: Based on the information in the graph which region's population will decrease in the next 40 years?
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There are a few different ways that regions are formed. Regions are formed based on boundaries that are placed based on population for example.

Which regions are based on what activities people do?

Political regions, economical regions,cultural regions and Population regions. Hope this Helped!

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According to the graph, Asia's population growth rate is currently the lowest among the listed regions.

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Everything that is about the census is valid. However, the most valid based information is there was more Hispanics and whites on the four regions.

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Navman GPS is based out of New Zealand, though they offer downloadable maps of many world regions. You can find more information at their website,

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Functional regions are formed based on trade connections.

What source of information would be most useful to convey population densities of the US?

The United States Census Bureau offers a variety of data related to population densities in the US, including reports, maps, and interactive tools to explore population distribution across different regions. Additionally, academic institutions and research organizations may publish studies analyzing population densities in the US based on census data.

What percent of of world population owns shoes?

It is estimated that around 98% of the world population owns shoes. This is based on global shoe consumption statistics and the widespread availability of footwear in most regions.

Compare and contrast the population trends and situtation of south Asian regions?

South Asian regions, such as India and Bangladesh, have experienced rapid population growth due to high birth rates. In contrast, countries like Sri Lanka have seen a decline in population growth due to factors such as economic development and education. All these regions face challenges related to overpopulation, urbanization, and resource scarcity, but the specific issues vary based on the unique socio-economic and cultural contexts of each country in the region.