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Q: Average age of man today
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What is the average age of cars on the road?

the average age of a vehicle on the road today is 7 years.

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Is a stone age man tougher than a strong man today?

Yes a stone age man is tougher than a strong man today because the stone age man had to deal with harsh weather conditions and many different aspects that a human being in today's society doesn't have to deal with. ie. to kill animals (butchers do that) and build their own shelter. In recap, yes a cave man is tougher than a strong man today.

What was the average marriage age in 1840?

The average age for a woman to get married in 1850 was about 16 to about 22 years old. The average age for a man was close to the same.

Are you proud of being a man in the present age and what are the things you like or dislike in our age?

Yes I am proud to be a man today. I dislike our lack of morals.

What age will an average man die?

75 years old.

What is the average dying age of a Korean Man?


What was the average age of man in Christ times?

21 (75% percent of the people died by age 26).

When I was married 10 yrs ago my wife is the 6th member of the family Today my dad died and a baby born to me The average age of family during my marriage is same as today What s the age when dad died?

60Father age is 50. today

What is the average age for people who are living in Afghanistan today?

60/70 years old

Average age of death of man in Nepal?

The average life expectancy for men in Nepal is around 69 years. This can vary based on factors such as healthcare access, lifestyle choices, and socioeconomic status.