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Yes you became eligable at age 62. The longer you work, the higher your income from SS will be, except when you turn 68 benefits will no longer go up

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Q: Are you entitled to social security benefits if you are 65 and still working in new york?
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i want to know if i am entitled to my retiremnt benefits

Can a dependent of an INCARCERATED person get social security?

Yes, if you are eligible for Social Security benefits, you will still receive your benefits. According to the Social Security Administration, the person incarcerated will not receive monthly Social Security benefits, but benefits to their spouse or children will continue as long as those dependents remain eligible.

Are you entitled to any of your husbands social security disability benefits after divorce?

Only if you were awarded a portion of the benefits in the divorce action.

Are you entitled to receive Social Security benefits under a suspended execution of sentence?

Unless this sentence is for the crime of fraudulently receiving Social Security benefits, I would say, "Yes, you're entitled." But as with all legal matters, consult with a local attorney for advice specific to your situation.

Will your benefits decrease if your ex-wife draws off your Social Security?

No, your benefits will not decrease, nor will the benefits of anyone else who may be entitled to draw Social Security against your work record (a current spouse, minor children, etc.)

If a child's biological parent dies who was on disability and paying child support what benefits will he be entitled to?

Social Security Death Benefits until age 18.

Could you inform me about social security award letters?

If you are looking to obtain a letter from social security to ensure that you are entitled to receive benefits, you can request one online here:

Can a working woman who receives social security survivor's insurance also collect her own social security benefits upon retirement?

Yes she can.

Does a child receive Social Security benefits after the death of his or her guardian?

If they qualify for benefits age-wise they are entitled to collect as long as they can prove paternity.If they qualify for benefits age-wise they are entitled to collect as long as they can prove paternity.If they qualify for benefits age-wise they are entitled to collect as long as they can prove paternity.If they qualify for benefits age-wise they are entitled to collect as long as they can prove paternity.

What happens to child support payments when army father dies?

They end. The child may be entitled to Social Security benefits from the father.

The best way to get social security benefits is to hire a social security attorney. ?

The best way to get social security benefits is to hire a social security attorney.

Are illegals eligible for Social Security Benefits.?

No. Only those who have paid into the system from working in the US.