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I'm not sure what you mean by reciprocal. The temporary placards are issued for varying time periods determined by your Doctor & can be reissued as necessary by the Doctor if your disability is continuing & there is a small fee to the DMV for the placards. However, if you are determined to be permanently disabled by your Doctor, you will receive a permanent placard at no charge & you will receive a new placard by mail every other year as they are good for 2 years. You need not reapply for the permanent placards.

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Q: Are state issued disabled placards reciprocal?
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Illinois Car Insurance for Disabled Drivers?

Disabled drivers have distinctive car insurance needs. A disabled person may have to modify the car to suit him or her. The modifications may include hand controls and wheelchair ramps. Any such modified car deserves eminent car insurance coverage.Disability StatusBeing recognized by the state of Illinois as disabled is a paramount concern to a disabled driver. The state requires the advice of a qualified and licensed health worker before declaring that a motorist is disabled. The qualifications for disabled license plate or placard are connected to a severely restrictive lung disease, survival on portable oxygen, class III and IV heart condition, walking only with assistance of a prosthetic device, wheelchair, or another person; and limited ability to walk due to arthritis, neurological, or bone condition. The health worker writes a letter to the DMV for approval of the disabled status and subsequent issuance of distinctive disability plates to a driver during the registration of his or her vehicle. The plates can only be used by another individual who frequently assists the disabled in moving around.In Illinois, the fee on a plate for the disabled is $29 while placards are issued without fees. The plates and the placards enable law enforcement officers to know that a motorist is disabled.Insuring the Disabled in IllinoisThe law prohibits insurance companies from discriminating against the disabled. However, an insurance company can still refuse to cover or offer high rates to the modified vehicles. Heavy modifications expose vehicles to risks of accidents hence higher premium rates.Selecting a Disabled InsuranceBefore a disabled settles for insurance, he or she should follow some steps to get the best Illinois deal. First, a disabled should shop around for companies that offer insurance coverage for modified vehicles. He or she should never accept a deal from a discriminative company. Secondly, the disabled should list down some good deals from which to select. Listing deals allows the disabled to ponder about each of them, evaluating their terms and conditions, and comparing their premium rates. Online companies are possible sources of wholesome disabled insurance deals in Illinois. Driving records of the disabled may be poor, so they should not pick companies that are strict about driving history.

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