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The Mossi people as citizens of Ghana is an interesting issue in the history of Ghana.The Mossi people are mentioned in the records of the country preceeding the era of colonization of Ghana by British after several competitions between some colonial Powers, particularly in the northern sector of the country. This prompted me to believe that it was a very powerful tribe and several tribes originated from it because they claimed that they were also mossi people in the ancient times and that is why Historians identified the mossi people as ancestors of some ghanaian tribes today. What I have also observed is that we have read about several mossi clans in quite a number of tribes in the northern sector of the country., with the languages having changed slightly but similar to the mossi and dagomba languages.Those who claimed to have retained the Pure Mossi language today and said were Ghanaians whose hometowns and villages were in Ghana were said to have numbered nearly 11,000 in 1960 Ghana National Population Census records including mossi soldiers, police and other security personnel.If a mossi person says he is a Ghanaian,he simply means he is from any of the above historical background.Tribes that were ruled by mossi somewhere eventhough were not pure mossi regarded themselves as mossi people and are therefore not part of this Ghanaian mossi people on record

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Q: Are mossi people ghanaians
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Are moshi people ghanaians?

yes, moshi people are ghanaians, in 1960 ghana population census recorded nearly 11,000 ghanaian moshi whose home towns and villages were in ghana and were not foreigners in ghana. Poly Hill, United Nations population census expert pointed out that there was a tribe called Ghanaian mossi people in ghana and they were Ghanaian citizens.This group of mossi people informed the pp Government of Dr Busia that they were ghanaians and different from mossi people from other countries during the 1960 ghana population census. Again some ghanaian tribes also claimed that they were also mossi people during the colonial regime and they are descendants of the old stock of mossi people in the era preceeding the gold coast state now Ghana.With the citizenship law of ghana, mossi people whose mothers or grandmothers are ghanaians can also claim the ghanaian citizenship, especially if they were born in ghana before 6th March 1957.Another Ghanaian citizenship popportunity for mossi in ghana is assimilation into kindred or similar ghanaian tribes because history claims some originated from Dagomba-Mamprusi and others assimilated into them.

Who are the mossi people of Ghana?

. The Mossi people of Ghana ,according to history were comprised of several tribes in Ghana that claimed that they were indigeneous people of the former gold coast state now Ghana who told the Colonial Government that they were Ghanaians.Dagombas, Mamprusis , Walas, Mossi etc all claimed they were mossi people.All these tribes speak languages that are similar. Then a second crop of mossi who today speak the language that is very similar to the Mossi in Burkina Faso claimed in 1960 Ghana National Population census that they were Ghanaian citizens because their hometowns and villages were in Ghana .They were said to have been almost 11,000 who were mossi of Gold Coast origin now modern Ghana. It is true that all these tribes are Ghanaians, but the fact is that today they stand as separate tribes and Mossi of Ghana seems to have lost their popularity to those in Burkina Faso but if they go there there will be no homes and families for them except in Ghana.The Mossi tribe is made up of several tribes and Ghanaian Mossi should remember that they could belong to any Ghanaian tribe, a suggestion pointed out by historians which some have mentioned earlier by claiming that they are Wala people in Ghana

Are there pure mossi people with different tribes in mossi state?

Well ,it is true that I have read much about mossi tribe, tribes or peoples in history.some historians call them mossi peoples,mossi tribes ,heterogeneous people ,meaning different ethnic groups became assimilated into the mossi chieftaincy and people.The history of mossi people is very interesting.I believe in the ancient time mossi people were very strong because of their empire which was a traditional form of government.The chieftaincy institution made the tribe so famous that several tribes wanted to join them for protection, governance and support.Incidentally, mossi people liked the concept of different people coming together as a people provided you you agree that they rule you, that is what their chieftaincy rule is. The mossi chiefs will recognize you as their people if you agree that they are your rulers. They have very good records in Ghana because they were used by the colonial masters and other traditional states.Most likely the Ghanaian mossi are those termed pure mossi different from people of different tribes in mossi kingdom claiming mossi status.

Are the mossi people still in existence?

The question Are there mossi people still in existence is an interesting question.Sure there are still mossi people in existence.I know perhaps the person asking this question may not have understood what the mossi tribe is or might have read what I had also read in history of mossi wars.Some historians made some conclusions that all mossi people were killed in some wars during fierce battles because they were warlike and were fighting wars upon wars.these particular mossi people were said to have fought such wars in a particular area and not every where.It was the mossi people that fought the French army in ouagadougou area because of their opposition to French colonial rule in 1896.The historian who concluded that all the mossi people were killed in the wars felt that the royals or chiefs and their families were the only pure mossi people because of the mossi assimilation policy of several tribes of non-mossi tribes having been assimilated into mossi tribe.Even some Ghanaian tribes told the colonial Government that they were also mossi people because their greatgrand fathers were mossi and are still alive in Burkina Faso and Ghana.They are still in existence, even the Colonial Government used them in wars in the gold coast.Mossi is described as ancestors with their descendents in Ghana.Mossi includes Dagombas,Mamprusis,Wala, Mossi etc in Ghana

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