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Q: An article explaining how to live on Social Security?
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What is the audience for this story an article explaining how to live on social security?

An article explaining how to live on social security would appeal to senior citizens and those who are reaching retirement age.

What are the social security benefits in Wyoming?

Social Security benefits are the same no matter what state you live in. Social Security retirement benefits are based on your earnings record or "credits" and your age.

Can you live in another country and get social security?


I need an address of local social security office. I live i Baldwin NY, 11510?

I need an address of local social security office. I live i Baldwin NY, 11510

Do you have to belong to social security?

If you live in a country with such a system, yes.

Is it illegal to live with a relative when you're on social security disability?


Percent of retirees who live only on social security?

20 %

You live in Pakistan and you have social secutity number you got this number when you visited US?

if you live in Pakistan and have a social security number than you are an American citizen. Social security numbers are only given to citizens and naturalized citizens.

How many people who pay into social security live long enough to collect it?


You are a female and you collect Social Security Disabled Widow's Benefit and you want to know if you remarry do you lose your benefits?

It depends in which country you live. You need to enquire at your local social security office

Are the Social Security offices closed on Good Friday?

With the government shut down, are social security offices open during the week? I live in Pasadena, California.

Can I afford to maintain a home in Scottsdale, Arizona on Social Security income alone?

It would be difficult to maintain a chome on only a Social Security check. You should check into another area of the country to live in.