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Ashes from the fire smoldered on the outer rocks.

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Q: A sentence with smoldered in it?
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A sentence with the word smoldered?

This tendency may help explain why outbreaks in some rural areas have smoldered undetected for months.

What is the ending of the word smoldered?

of course the answer is dered and smoldered is burned and smoked without a flame

What is an antonym for smoldered?


How can you use the word smoldering in a sentence?

The smoldering fire gave off a faint glow in the darkness of the night.

What part of speech is smoldered?

Smoldered is a verb. Example: The stew smolderedin the pot for hours,

Is smoldered an adjective?

Smoldering is an adjective, but reamains is a noun.

What are some antonyms for smoldered?


What is the ending of the word 'smoldered'?

of course the answer is dered and smoldered is burned and smoked without a flame

How do you pronounce 'smoldered' in Spanish?

of course the answer is dered and smoldered is burned and smoked without a flame The word "smolder" (also, smoulder) means to burn hotly without a flame. The Spanish translation is "arder lentamente". The past tense, smoldered, is "ardió lentamente".

What does it mean for a muck fire to get smoldered?

The fire is burning underground in the peat or other materials.

How do you use smolder in a sentence?

Her smoldering glare ruled out a positive response. The fire is still smoldering.

In the Mayor of Casterbridge how does Susan react to the auction?

Susan expressed her disdain (angst) toward her husband for selling her to the sailor, though not as outwardly as she should have. I guess you could say that her great disfavor smoldered within her, as she did an exemplary job of restraining her emotions.