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In terms of appearance, no. That being said, if this is a drastic sudden loss of hair, I would consult with a physician. It may be a sign or symptom of something more than just a natural loss of hair. I would definitely have it checked out.

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Yes, sudden hearing loss in an 86-year-old should be taken seriously and promptly evaluated by a healthcare provider. It may be caused by various factors such as infection, injury, or age-related changes, and early intervention can improve outcomes.

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Q: Would you worry about sudden hearing loss in 86 year old?
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Age-related hearing loss?

Age-related hearing loss, also known as presbycusis, is the gradual loss of hearing that occurs as a person ages. It is a common condition that typically worsens over time and affects both ears equally. It is caused by the natural aging process and can result in difficulty hearing high-pitched sounds, understanding speech in noisy environments, and detecting softer sounds. Treatment options may include hearing aids or assistive listening devices.

Why could a persons hearing get worse as they get older?

Aging can lead to changes in the inner ear structures, such as the deterioration of hair cells and reduced blood flow, resulting in gradual hearing loss. Exposure to loud noises over time, genetics, medical conditions, and certain medications can also contribute to age-related hearing loss. Regular hearing screenings and protection from loud noises can help prevent further deterioration.

What might cause Sudden loss of muscle tone and weight gain?

A sudden loss of muscle tone and weight gain can be caused by conditions such as hypothyroidism, Cushing's syndrome, or medication side effects. It is important to consult a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and diagnosis.

What type od psychologist would be interested in memory loss in elderly individuals?

A neuropsychologist would likely be interested in memory loss in elderly individuals, as they specialize in the relationship between the brain and behavior. This type of psychologist would assess cognitive functioning, including memory, to better understand and address memory loss in older adults. Additionally, a geropsychologist, who focuses on the mental health and well-being of elderly individuals, may also be interested in memory loss in this population.

Is there an oral electronic thermometer with a loud beep for paople hard of hearing.?

Yes, there are oral electronic thermometers on the market that feature a loud beep for individuals who are hard of hearing. These thermometers typically have adjustable volume settings or visual alerts like flashing lights in addition to the audible beep to accommodate different user needs. It's important to check the product specifications or consult with the manufacturer to ensure the thermometer meets the specific requirements for hearing-impaired users.

Related questions

What is progressive and sudden hearing loss?

The progressive hearing loss means that, hearing loss becomes worse over time. Sudden hearing loss means, hearing loss that happens quickly. Such a hearing loss requires immediate medical attention to determine its cause and treatment. The Art of hearing is one of the audiologists in Perth, WA which provides free online hearing tests. So it is easy to undergo hearing tests.

How can a bacterial infection cause hearing loss?

Sudden hearing loss--at least 30dB in less than three days--is most commonly caused by cochleitis, a mysterious viral infection.

Who would you see for sudden hair loss?

You should see your doctor for sudden hair loss.

What causes sudden hearing loss and swelling of one side of face?

An ear infection can cause minimal swelling to moderate swelling around the ear, and can also cause hearing loss that can become permanent.

What diagnostic procedure would be used to measure the patients hearing loss?

Audiology Hearing Test.

What is the scientific name for deafness?

The scientific term for deafness is "hearing loss" or "hearing impairment." It can be categorized based on the severity and type, such as conductive hearing loss, sensorineural hearing loss, or mixed hearing loss.

What could cause sudden hearing loss in one ear?

Many drugs can cause temporary hearing loss..or intermittent hearing loss. Aspirin causes a ringing in the ears called tinnitus and various syndromes cause hearing loss such as Meniere's disease. Concussion, allergies and ear infection are also culprits.

Are hearing loss and hearing impairment the same thing?

No. Hearing loss depends on the decibel listened to and the period of time. Everyone is prone to having hearing loss.

What sounds can be dangerous?

Sounds that are excessively loud or prolonged, such as fireworks, concerts, or heavy machinery, can lead to hearing damage or loss. Additionally, sudden loud noises like explosions or gunshots can cause immediate harm to hearing.

Can Syphillis cause hearing loss?

No, chlamydia does not cause hearing loss.

Can you get ssi if you have hearing loss?

Unlikely. It would need to make you unemployable.

How would the loss of stereocilia from hair cells of the spiral organ affect hearing?

The loss of stereocilia would impair the hair cell's ability to detect and transmit sound vibrations to the brain, leading to hearing loss or auditory processing difficulties. Stereocilia are crucial for converting mechanical sound waves into electrical signals that the brain can interpret, so their loss can significantly impact hearing sensitivity and clarity.