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Aging can lead to changes in the inner ear structures, such as the deterioration of hair cells and reduced blood flow, resulting in gradual hearing loss. Exposure to loud noises over time, genetics, medical conditions, and certain medications can also contribute to age-related hearing loss. Regular hearing screenings and protection from loud noises can help prevent further deterioration.

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Q: Why could a persons hearing get worse as they get older?
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Age-related hearing loss?

Age-related hearing loss, also known as presbycusis, is the gradual loss of hearing that occurs as a person ages. It is a common condition that typically worsens over time and affects both ears equally. It is caused by the natural aging process and can result in difficulty hearing high-pitched sounds, understanding speech in noisy environments, and detecting softer sounds. Treatment options may include hearing aids or assistive listening devices.

What do Korean males call older females?

Korean males typically refer to older females as "noona" if the female is older but within a similar age range or "ajumma" if the female is significantly older and is perceived as a middle-aged or elderly woman.

Is it okay for a child to make mestakes?

Yes, it is completely okay for a child to make mistakes. Making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process and helps children develop problem-solving skills, resilience, and perseverance. It is important for adults to support and encourage children to learn from their mistakes rather than fear failure.

Sample Closing Remarks for class reunion?

Thank you all for coming to our class reunion and sharing these wonderful memories together. Let's stay connected and continue to support each other as we journey on in life. Until we meet again, take care and stay in touch.

Is there a noun derivative of deteriorate?

Yes, "deterioration" is the noun form derived from the verb "deteriorate." It refers to the process of becoming worse or declining in quality.

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No. Hearing gets worse as you age.

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If you don't protect your hearing, your hearing will get worse...and worse...and worse... there are little tiny hairs in your ears and loud noise will damage them. The more hairs tht are damaged, the worse your hearing will be. Hope this helps:)

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our hearing gets worce because it instores it all the bacterai

What is hearing deficits?

a hearing deficit is when your ears function lower or worse than the average person -hope that helped

What is worse about deaf?

i am confused... why is this in dog health? Look nothing is worse then being hearing, being normal, being iggrogant. Deaf people do not usually think anything is better then being deaf. Hearing nothing worse then being deaf, it depends on where you are from.

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The worst thing that could happen is getting bullied puberty could would be worse because you are getting older and doing different stuff and girlfriend stress could be worse but i don't know how. I am in middle school and don't have one yet

Will migraines go away when you get older?

Sometimes they go completely or get worse as you get older.

Does digital hearing aids use reduce hearing further?

Using digital hearing aids will not cause your hearing to deteriorate. They will not restore your hearing or prevent your hearing from getting worse either. They are simply designed to enhance or aid your current level of hearing with the assistance of digital processing.

Are ipods or concerts worse for your hearing?

It depends how loud you listen to your iPod and how close you are to the speakers at the concert. In general though, the concert would be worse.

When was Things Could Be Worse created?

Things Could Be Worse was created in 1990.

Should you call your ex when he asks you to?

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