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The population in the West region had the fastest growth rate.

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Region A experienced a 10% increase in population, Region B had a 5% decrease, Region C remained stable with no change, and Region D saw a 3% increase in population from 1990 to 2000.

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Q: Which statement identifies the population change in the four regions from 1990 to 2000?
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How many people were born during the Baby Boom?

According to historical U.S. CENSUS data: 1) The U.S. population grew by 19,028,086 people between 1940 and 1950 and another 27,766,875 for a total increase of 46,794,961. This of course is total population increase and not births. However, upon further review the Baby Boom actually seems to be a change in the population growth trend rather than an isolated growth spurt/population increase: 1) The U.S. population grew an average of 1.2 million people per year between 1900 (75,994,575 people) and 1930 (122,775,046 people). 2) After the war ended, the U.S. population grew an average of 2.5 million people per year from 1940 (131,669,275 people) to 2000 (282,193,480) The Baby Boom was in fact a doubling of the average U.S. yearly population increase.

What was major demographic change in 1920?

One major demographic change in 1920 was the increase in urbanization, as more people moved from rural areas to cities in search of job opportunities and higher wages. This shift in population distribution contributed to the growth of urban centers and the development of new industries.

What demographic changes are taking place in the us in the 21st century and what do they mean?

In the 21st century, the US has been experiencing several demographic changes. One significant change is the increasing racial and ethnic diversity, with minority populations growing at a faster rate than the white population. This shift has implications for social, economic, and political dynamics, including cultural diversity, language diversity, and the need for inclusive policies and representation. Another change is the aging population, with the baby boomer generation reaching retirement age, which poses challenges for healthcare, social security, and workforce planning. Additionally, there has been a significant increase in urbanization, with more people living in cities, leading to challenges related to infrastructure, transportation, and housing.

A physical change occurs when what?

A physical change occurs when a substance changes its physical form or state without changing its chemical composition. Examples include changes in size, shape, or state of matter (solid, liquid, gas).

What is a physiological change?

A physiological change refers to a change that occurs within the body due to various internal or external factors. These changes can impact functions such as heart rate, hormone levels, metabolism, or body temperature.

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In What regions of the world have issues with water?

Regions like the Middle East, North Africa, parts of Asia, and some regions in the United States have experienced issues with water scarcity due to factors such as climate change, population growth, and inefficient water management practices.

Why do regions change?

ErosionAnswer:Political regions can change because the land gets sold to another country/region/city and so on.

Why do cultural regions change faster than physical regions?

dont know

What identifies a chemical change has taken place?

Signs that a chemical change has taken place include the formation of a gas, the formation of a precipitate, a change in temperature, and a change in color.

What is DE-urbanization?

Deurbanization or deurbanisation is the physical decline in the urban population as a result of economic or social change. Deurbanization is commonly defined differently from suburbanization because it describes a migration to rural previously uninhabited regions that had low population density, not to the outer or surrounding regions of the city as defined by suburbanization.

How can you change the question into a statement?

Change a question into a statement by rephrasing it in a way that presents information or expresses a fact rather than asking for it. For example, "What is your name?" can be changed to "Please state your name."

How do you change a question to a statement?

use 'we' to make it seem real

What is Le Change's population?

Le Change's population is 598.

What is the population of Teaching for Change?

Teaching for Change's population is 21.