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Policies with level-premium structures are less likely to require premium increases compared to those with age-rated or inflation-adjusted premiums. Level-premium policies have a consistent premium amount that remains unchanged over the life of the policy, providing greater certainty in terms of premium costs.

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Q: Which long term care insurance policy would be less likely to require premium increases?
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In what way does age concern the way travel insurance rates are determined?

Age can be a key factor in determining travel insurance rates because older individuals may have a higher risk of pre-existing medical conditions or require more medical care while traveling. Older travelers are also more likely to experience trip cancellations or interruptions due to health reasons. Therefore, insurance companies may charge higher premiums for older individuals to account for these potential risks.

How do you find an old life insurance company Missouri State Life Insurance Company for an old life insurance policy taken back in 1925?

You can start by checking the Missouri Department of Insurance website for information on old insurance companies. You may also want to search online databases or contact historical societies for records related to Missouri State Life Insurance Company. Additionally, you can hire a professional genealogist or insurance researcher who specializes in locating vintage insurance policies.

How do you trace a paid up lost life insurance policy when your 82 and cant remember who the policy was taken out with?

You can start by checking the deceased person's bank statements for any premium payments made to an insurance company. You can also search through the person's personal records, contact state insurance departments, or hire a professional service to help track down the policy. Remember to provide as much information as possible about the policyholder when reaching out for assistance.

How can i find a old life insurance policy issued by the Occidental Life Insurance in the over 70 years ago in Illinois?

You can start by contacting the Illinois Department of Insurance to see if they have any records of the policy. Additionally, you can search for any documentation or paperwork that might have information about the policy, such as old bank statements or correspondence. If possible, try to track down any family members who may have knowledge about the policy.

How expensive is elderly life insurance?

The cost of elderly life insurance can vary depending on factors such as age, health status, coverage amount, and type of policy. Generally, premiums tend to be higher for older individuals compared to younger ones. It's recommended to get quotes from different insurance providers to find the most suitable and affordable option.

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An insurance policy with a higher premium most likely has?

a lower deductible

What could be a result in receiving a discount on your insurance premium?

A. You pay less money for insurance coverage B. You are less likely to change insurance companies

What is a single premium life insurance?

single premium life insurance: Single premium life insurance is a form of life insurance that's paid with one upfront lump-sum premium. Once you've purchased a single premium policy, you would receive a permanent death benefit that extends until you die.

What companies in Ohio offer car insurance for bad drivers?

You can get a free quote for you car insurance from Simply select your state and fill out the application. If you have had a car accident before, or you are likely to have an accident, your premium may be higher, so you might want to choose an insurance company with a lower premium.

Do any companies offer bad driver car insurance?

Yes, most companies will offer quotes and insurance for drivers with an unsafe driving record. However, the premium is likely to be higher.

Will your car insurance premium decrease when you turn 18?

No,it is more likely to go up being so you are not legally an adult. Also, your premium doesn't go down until you're 25 yrs.

Will you insurance premium go up if you claim a parking lot hit and run accident and pay 500 deductible and insurance covers 1000?

Yes, most likely, your premium will raise to some degree. If you don't claim it through insurance, there would be no premium hike. Parking lot incidents are almost ALWAYS considered 50/50 fault, sad to say, unless you can PROVE otherwise!

What does one receive if they survive the term of a return of premium life insurance policy?

If one survives the term of a return of premium life insurance policy, they are likely to get the sum assured and the interest or bonuses earned over the period. This can be viewed as a way to reduce risk and also invest.

Does homeowners insurance cover hearing aids if a dog chewed it?

Not Likely unless you scheduled it on your homeowners insurance policy and paid an additional premium for it. Personal aid devices of this type are generally covered through your health insurance provider.

If you have an unrestriced license and you are 17 do you need to be on your parents' insurance in order to drive their car?

Yes because anything couuld happen Assuming you are living in the same household as your parents the answer is yes. Insurance companies must charge an appropriate premium for the risk that they are assuming. There is most likely extra premium that needs to be paid since young drivers tend to have more accidents. An undisclosed operator in the household is a form of premium evasion and can be considered insurance fraud. This leads to increased premium for all drivers in state.

How long do you pay for life insurance is there a time period or is it for as long as your alive?

Some forms of life insurance have a cash value, and some do not require premiums to be paid after a certain percentage of the cash value has been paid in. "Term life" normally has no cash value, and as you get older may either increase the premium or more likely decrease the face value.

Why is it beneficial to get a doctor's referral for a mammogram?

Many studies have shown that having regular mammograms increases a woman's chances of finding breast cancer in an early stage, when it is more likely to be curable.