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Eugenics is the science (or perhaps the philosophy) of proactively guiding the development of the human genome. This can take the form of a whole spectrum of activities, from genetic testing and counseling of couples, to even selective termination of pregnancies.

Down's syndrome is among the more easily identified genetic disorders; simple genetic testing can detect it readily, since sufferers have an extra 47th chromosome, whereas all other humans (ranging from normalcy to even catastrophically disordered) will only have 46 chromosomes in 23 pairs.

A Eugenicist would likely counsel couples with a history of genetic abnormalities to consider alternate means of conception, for example in-vitro fertilization using a donor egg or sperm, as appropriate, to eliminate the genome of a parent with a history of such defects. Couples with equally high risk factors for such genetic abnormalities may be counseled to adopt or conceive using others' gametes entirely. A Eugenicist, depending on their particular philosophical leaning, may even counsel the termination of a pregnancy if testing reveals Down's Syndrome or another birth defect.

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5mo ago

A eugenicist may view Down syndrome as a genetic condition that they believe should be prevented through selective breeding or genetic screening to eliminate it from the population. They may believe that individuals with Down syndrome are a burden on society and that their presence should be minimized for the betterment of the population as a whole.

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Is it good to have down syndrome?

it is better to have up syndrome People with Down Syndrome have the ability to live normal and happy lives, however, I would not go so far as to say that it is good to have Down Syndrome. It is a genetic abnormality and given the choice, it would be better not to have it.

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It is acceptable to say that someone has Down Syndrome, although it may not be necessary to say it since the syndrome does have a characteristic affect on facial features which can be observed.

If a woman had a distant relative or an ancestor with Down syndrome would it increase the chances that this woman would bear a child with Down syndrome?

I would say no. Down Syndrome is caused by an extra chromosome (extra pair of chromosome 21). If anyone has three chromosomes 21, they have Down; you can't have "latent Down" and transmit it to your children. What increases the risk for Down most is older parental age, especially maternal (>35, and especially >40). Most standard prenatal screenings now can detect Down in the fetus very early on.

How do you pronounce Down syndrome?

You say it down-sin-dr-ome. (the ome is said like home).

What does it mean when someone calls you downy?

your either considered a let down or depressed person, or it could be used as insult to say your a retard down syndrome=downy

Are heart problems the norm for Turner syndrome women?

Heart problems are more common in women with Turner syndrome, although I do not know if I would say they are the norm.

Do you think it should be forbidden for someone with Down syndrome to become a parent?

WikiAnswers contributors share their opinions;There is no way a person with Down syndrome could take care of anybody else, let alone themselves.Some people with Down syndrome marry. With rare exceptions, men with Down syndrome cannot father a child. In any pregnancy, a woman with Down syndrome has a 50-50 chance of conceiving a child with Down syndrome, but many affected fetuses are miscarried. Knowing that says that nature is taking care of itself. If two people who love each other have a chance at having a healthy baby, then the best of luck to them. After all, "normal people" have babies with down syndrome and they are loved.And again I will say that males with Down syndrome are almost all sterile (only 1 case documented). And if a female with Down syndrome becomes pregnant with a viable fetus, the father obviously does not have Down syndrome.Some people with Down syndrome are able to function and be a lot more independent than others. As to whether it should be forbidden, my answer is this: "HELL, NO!" Didn't you ever watch "Life Goes On"? If so, do you remember Corky?

What do you say in a Congratulations card for a baby with Down syndrome?

When you are writing a card to the parents of a new baby, you are congratulating them on being new parents, having created a new person, a new life. A baby with Down syndrome is all of the above, so congratulate them accordingly. Do not dwell on the negatives. They will appreciate your thoughts, especially as they will be going through a difficult time if the Down syndrome was unexpected. You could say how beautiful the baby is. Mention them being proud parents, or talk of them creating or adding to a family.

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In Hawaiian, you would say "hoʻomaluhia".

How do you you say sit down in gujarati?

To say "sit down" in Gujarati, you would say "બેઠો" (pronounced as "betho").