The life expectancy for men in 1915 was around 49 years. However, life expectancy varies depending on factors such as location, social class, and access to healthcare.
The life expectancy in the United States in 1961 was around 70.2 years for women and 66.8 years for men.
The life expectancy for men in British Columbia is around 80 years. This can vary depending on factors like lifestyle, access to healthcare, and genetic predispositions.
The average life expectancy for men born in 1935 was around 60-65 years. At that time, life expectancy was lower compared to today due to factors such as limited healthcare advancements, higher rates of smoking, and more physically demanding work.
The life expectancy in France is around 82 years for women and 77 years for men. Overall, life expectancy in France has been increasing steadily over the years due to advancements in healthcare and lifestyle changes.
As of 2020, Germany's average life expectancy is around 81 years. This can vary based on factors such as gender, socio-economic status, and access to healthcare. Overall, Germany has a relatively high life expectancy compared to many other countries.
As recently as 1996, the life expectancy for men was 67 and for women, 72. This is in contrast to Canada's life expectancy at the time, which was 75 for men and 85 for women.
The average life expectancy for Russian men is less than 59 years - 58 years and 11 months. The life expectancy for Russian women is 72 years.
Life Expectancy; 76.69 male, 80.84 female
the life expectancy of Madagascar is women 62 men 59
The life expectancy in Pakistan is 64 years for men and 67.5 years for women.
The life expectancy for a someone in Cuba is about 77.08 years. Women have a slightly longer life expectancy than men in that island nation.
Life expectancy for women in Tuvalu is 68.41 years and 64.01 years for men (2015)
75.8 years
48.12 years
About 68 years.
about 71 years