The life expectancy in the United States in 1961 was around 70.2 years for women and 66.8 years for men.
The life expectancy in France is around 82 years for women and 77 years for men. Overall, life expectancy in France has been increasing steadily over the years due to advancements in healthcare and lifestyle changes.
The life expectancy in 1947 was around 66.8 years for men and 72.8 years for women in the United States. It varied in different countries and regions around the world.
The life expectancy in 1949 was around 66.8 years for men and 72.5 years for women in the United States. These numbers have since increased due to advancements in healthcare and technology.
The life expectancy in Niger is around 61 years for men and 62 years for women. These figures can vary depending on various factors such as access to healthcare, nutrition, and quality of life.
As recently as 1996, the life expectancy for men was 67 and for women, 72. This is in contrast to Canada's life expectancy at the time, which was 75 for men and 85 for women.
women to 80 b men to 81 about
Men- 53 women- 56
Life Expectancy; 76.69 male, 80.84 female
77 men 82 women
68 or 69 for men and for women 70
For women it is about 43 and men maybe 32.
The life expectancy in Pakistan is 64 years for men and 67.5 years for women.
women's life expectancy is 79 men's life expectancy is 74 women live longer because they don't work much like the men.
51 years for both men and women is the life expectancy for people in Nigeria.
the life expectancy of Madagascar is women 62 men 59