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The gerund phrase "crying about our problems" is functioning as the subject of the sentence. It is indicating the action being performed, which is the act of crying about problems.

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Q: What is the function of the gerund phrase of crying about our problems will not solve them?
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What is the function of the gerund phrase in this sentence Crying about our problems will not solve them.?

The gerund phrase "Crying about our problems" functions as the subject of the sentence. It is a noun phrase derived from the verb "cry" and indicates the action of crying.

Which verb is usually followed by gerund phrase rather than an infinitive phrase?

Enjoy is a verb that is usually followed by a gerund phrase rather than an infinitive phrase. For example, "I enjoy swimming" uses a gerund phrase while "I enjoy to swim" is incorrect.

What is a gerund phase?

A gerund phrase is a phrase that includes a gerund (a verb form ending in -ing that acts as a noun) along with any complements or modifiers. It functions as a noun in a sentence and can be used as a subject, object, or complement. For example, "Swimming in the ocean" is a gerund phrase in the sentence "I love swimming in the ocean."

What is the function of the gerund phase in Stopping to smell the roses is good advice?

The gerund phrase "Stopping to smell the roses" acts as the subject of the sentence, indicating the action that is being discussed. It emphasizes the idea of taking time to appreciate the beauty around us.

How are gerund and gerund phrase used in a sentence?

A gerund is a verb form ending in -ing that functions as a noun. It can be used as the subject or object of a sentence. A gerund phrase includes the gerund and any modifiers or complements, and it functions as a noun in a sentence.

Related questions

What is the function of the gerund phrase in the sentence Crying about our problems will not solve them?

In that sentence, "crying" functions as a noun.

What is the function of the gerund phrase in Crying about your problems will not solve them?

The gerund phrase "Crying about your problems" functions as the subject of the sentence. It acts as a noun and emphasizes that the action of crying will not solve the mentioned problems.

What is the function of the gerund phrase in this sentence Crying about our problems will not solve them.?

The gerund phrase "Crying about our problems" functions as the subject of the sentence. It is a noun phrase derived from the verb "cry" and indicates the action of crying.

What is the function of the gerund phrase in this sentence Royce enjoyed his sailboat?

There is no gerund phrase in that example.

What are the function of gerund and gerund phrase?

A gerund functions as a noun, representing an action or activity. A gerund phrase includes the gerund plus any modifiers or complements, and can act as a subject, object, or complement in a sentence.

Can you locate the gerund or gerund phrase and identify its noun function in the sentence Her daughter likes climbing trees?

This would be the phrase "climbing trees." It is because this phrase works in the sentence to be the direct object.

What is the function of the gerund phrase in this sentence?

To better understand the role of the gerund phrase in a sentence, could you please provide the sentence you're referring to?

What is the function of the gerund phrase in this sentence the recipe for cooking macoroni and cheese is simple?

object of pre

When do you know if the sentence has a gerund of gerund phrase?

A gerund is a verb ending in -ing that functions as a noun. A gerund phrase includes the gerund, any modifiers or complements related to the gerund, and all words that come before the gerund and act as its subject. You can identify a gerund or gerund phrase in a sentence by looking for verbs ending in -ing that function as a noun.

What is the function of the gerund phrase- Taking a warm bath will relax your nerves?

The gerund phrase "taking a warm bath" functions as the subject of the sentence. It performs the action of relaxing the nerves.

Stopping to smell the roses is good advice what is the function of the gerund phrase in this sentence?


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Pre Nompredicate nominative