外公 (Wài Gōng)or 公公 (Gōng Gōng) [Grandfather on mother's side]
爺爺 (Ye Ye) [Grandfather on father's side]
The word "grandfather" in Chinese is written as 爷爷 (yé yé), which is the paternal grandfather. If you are referring to the maternal grandfather, it is written as 外公 (wài gōng).
In Chinese, "Grandmother" is 奶奶 (nǎinai) or 外婆 (wàipó), and "Grandfather" is 爷爷 (yéye) or 外公 (wàigōng).
In Chinese, grandfather is translated as 爷爷 (yéye).
Grandpa in Cantonese Chinese is pronounced as "公公" (gung gung).
The singular possessive form of the word "grandfather" is "grandfather's."
The word "grandfather" in Chinese is written as 爷爷 (yé yé), which is the paternal grandfather. If you are referring to the maternal grandfather, it is written as 外公 (wài gōng).
Chinese. You go by males.
Domingo Lamco (grandfather, a chinese)
"Angkong" is a term in Hokkien, a dialect of Chinese, that means "maternal grandfather". It is commonly used in specific Chinese communities to refer to one's grandmother's husband.
He's Black, Chinese and Puerto-Rican. He regards himself as Black and Chinese. His grandfather was Chinese.
In Chinese, "Grandmother" is 奶奶 (nǎinai) or 外婆 (wàipó), and "Grandfather" is 爷爷 (yéye) or 外公 (wàigōng).
In Chinese, grandfather is translated as 爷爷 (yéye).
The theme of "Grandfather Is a Chinese Pine" revolves around the idea of resilience and endurance in the face of adversity. The poem uses the metaphor of the Chinese pine tree to symbolize strength and wisdom passed down through generations. It reflects on the interconnectedness of family, nature, and cultural heritage.
I don't think so. In an interview that he had he says that he is "African-American and Chinese." the Chinese coming from his grandfather on his mother's side.
her favorite food is bbq ribs that her grandfather cooked and Chinese food :)
The origin of the term "Lolo" to refer to a grandfather comes from Chinese dialects, particularly from the southern regions of China where Cantonese, Hakka, and other related languages are spoken.
Yes, it is. His tattoo is the Chinese meaning of hope, he did this for his grandfather who passed away from cancer.