It means that you should not take your life for granted and do well and not waste your life. hope that helps.
If by die you mean their bodies cease to function, yes, they die. If you mean do they go on to life a life after death, depends on your religion, or lack thereof.
That means a testator granted a life estate and when the life estate holder does the property is to be distributed per stirpes to the descendants of the testator.See related question for definition of per stirpes.
Maturity can be reached at different ages for different individuals, but typically it is considered to be around the age of 18 when legal rights and responsibilities are granted, such as voting and signing contracts. Emotional and psychological maturity, however, can continue to develop throughout one's life.
Later life typically refers to the latter stage of a person's life, generally characterized by retirement and senior citizenship. It is a time when individuals may experience physical and cognitive changes, as well as reflect on their past experiences and make the most of their remaining years.
The climax of "The Aged Mother" occurs when the decrees of the ruthless ruler are passed, which mandate that all elderly people must be taken to the mountain and abandoned to die. The emotional tension reaches its peak as the mother, about to be taken away, reveals her identity to her son, and they face this life-threatening trial together.
if by granted you mean something that is taken to be true, then maybe consider: "given that___" or "given that ___ it suffices to say ___" "assuming that___" "if___ then___" "supposing that ___"
It means that they take many things for granted and there are not going the right way in life.
Unlike the rest of the human race, her body was taken into heaven directly without undergoing corruption.
to have sex with the owners
The correct phrase is "taken for granted," meaning not fully appreciated or valued. A common mistake is to say "taken for granite," which is incorrect but may sound similar.
Shared and learned ways of believing and doing become taken-for-granted assumptions.
Shared and learned ways of believing and doing become taken-for-granted assumptions.
not good to do bad stuff?
Taken for Granted - 2013 I was released on: USA: 9 September 2013 (Los Angeles Brazilian Film Festival) (premiere)
It meqans that the release that was granted to the defendant (probation - bail - etc) is revoked by the judge and the person is to be taken into custody and remanded to jail.
Julius Caesar was granted the title and powers of Dictator for life.