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Aristotle's quote means that learning and personal growth acquired through education can provide individuals with the necessary tools and knowledge to navigate the challenges of old age more effectively. It suggests that continuous learning and intellectual development can enrich one's life and enhance their quality of life as they age.

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Q: What does aristole's quote education is the best provision for old age mean?
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What is the best way for grandparents to save for their grandchildren's future college tuition?

Opening a 529 savings plan is a tax-advantaged way for grandparents to save for their grandchildren's college tuition. Contributions can grow tax-free, and withdrawals for qualifying education expenses are also tax-free. Additionally, contributions may be eligible for state income tax deductions.

Is gerber life insurance expensive?

Gerber Life Insurance typically offers affordable coverage options, particularly for children and young adults. Premium rates can vary based on factors such as age, coverage amount, and health status. It's best to get a personalized quote to determine the cost for your specific situation.

Which statement best sums up the trend known as the baby boom?

The baby boom was a period of increased birth rates following World War II, lasting from 1946 to 1964. It resulted in a significant demographic shift as a large number of babies were born during this time, impacting various aspects of society such as education, employment, and economic growth.

Which best explains why some people are more committed to saving for retirement than other people?

Some people may be more committed to saving for retirement due to personal financial goals, attitudes towards risk, understanding the importance of long-term financial planning, and access to resources such as employer-sponsored retirement plans or financial education. Additionally, cultural norms, family background, and past experiences with financial security can also influence individuals' commitment to saving for retirement.

How much can a person over 50 save on home insurance through saga holidays?

The amount a person over 50 can save on home insurance through Saga Holidays varies depending on factors such as the person's specific circumstances, coverage needs, and the insurance provider's offers and discounts. It is best to contact Saga Holidays directly to get a personalized quote based on your individual situation.

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What does this quote mean Education is the best provision for old age?

It means that the education you get is an investment. It will last throughout your life and into old age.

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Education is the best provision for old age.

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Harry Best has written: 'The blind' -- subject(s): Blind 'The deaf; their position in society and the provision for their education in the United States' -- subject(s): Education, Deaf 'Deafness and the deaf in the United States' -- subject(s): Deaf, Education, Institutional care

Education is the best Provision for old age?

True education is the light for entire life,not alone for old age.Education without understanding remain a mere information.Mere repetition of symbols and signs can not be called as education.Even hanging with derived meanings also can not be called as education.Act of educating one self is pious.

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Insurance is very subjective so only the individual looking for the insurance can determine what the best quote is. Look at the coverage, the terms and the premiums to decide which quote is best.

What is the best way to request a quote from Blue Shield?

The best way to request a quote from Blue Shield is to visit the website, right on the homepage it give you a button to click to get a quote.

How do you treat over or under provision of income tax?

Best way to understand is through an example: If in 2010 you have a provision for tax of $2,000 payable for accounting. However the actual tax paid was $1,500. You would have an over provision of income tax. So once the tax is paid in 2011 it will Dr Provision Cr Bank. So in 2011 the amount of the over provision must be adjusted by: Dr Provision for tax Cr Income tax expense This will clear out the tax provision for 2011 resulting from the over provision. Same concept applies to under provsions.

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A meaningful father's day quote from a son is an original one. A quote from the heart is the best father's day quote.

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No Zimbabwe does not have the best education in Africa

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