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A person of whom you are a guardian is typically referred to as a ward.

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How can you get my grandma to be your legal guardian?

To become a person's legal guardian, one must get the current parents or guardian to sign over custody. This can be done fairly quickly at any courthouse.

What does the word guardian mean?

A guardian is a person who is legally responsible for protecting and caring for someone who is unable to manage their own affairs, such as a minor or a person with disabilities. It can also refer to a protector or defender of something, such as traditions or values.

Where is the 20th century guardian life insurance company?

The 20th Century Guardian Life Insurance Company is a fictional company from the television show "Mad Men." It was created for the show and does not exist in real life.

Who do you report it to if a legal guardian and conservator of an incapacitated person changes their annuity beneficiary?

If a legal guardian and conservator changes the beneficiary of an annuity belonging to an incapacitated person, you should report this action to the probate court that appointed the guardian and conservator. Changes to an annuity beneficiary should be made in the best interest of the incapacitated person, and the court may need to review and approve such changes.

What does a guardian get used for?

A guardian is typically used to protect the interests and well-being of a minor or someone who is incapacitated. This can involve making decisions on their behalf, managing their finances, and ensuring their needs are met. Guardians are appointed by a court to act in the best interests of the person they are responsible for.