

Best Answer

Shannon and Weaver

Jakobson's model

Nick Boer's model

Lasswell-control analysis


Berlo's model



PMI basic communication model

Transmission model

Constructionist model

Interactive model

Transactional model

Constitutive Metamodel

Intermediary model

Riley's model

Westley and Maclean's Conceptual Model

Newcomb's model of communication

George Gerbner's model

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Some common communication models include the linear model (sender-message-receiver), interactive model (feedback loop between sender and receiver), and transactional model (continuous process with feedback and simultaneous communication). Each model provides a framework for understanding how information is exchanged between individuals or groups.

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Q: What are the different communication model?
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What is maletzke's model of communication?

Maletzke's model of communication is a linear model that includes the sender, message, channel, receiver, and feedback. It emphasizes the importance of feedback in the communication process to ensure that the message is understood as intended by the sender. The model highlights the dynamic nature of communication in which feedback loops allow for adjustments and clarification of the message.

How is life today different from the 1970's?

Life today is different from the 1970s in several ways. Technology has advanced significantly, leading to changes in communication, transportation, and daily life. Social norms and values have also evolved, with greater emphasis on diversity, equality, and sustainability. Economically, globalization has reshaped industries and job opportunities.

What is a communication cycle in health and social care?

The communication cycle in health and social care refers to the process of exchanging information between a sender and a receiver. It typically involves encoding a message, transmitting it through a communication channel, receiving feedback, and decoding the message to ensure understanding. Effective communication is essential for building relationships, promoting trust, and providing quality care.

What are the benefits and deficits of psychoanalytical theory in communication?

Benefits of psychoanalytical theory in communication include a deep understanding of subconscious motives and emotions that may impact communication dynamics. However, deficits may arise from the subjective nature of interpretations and the focus on internal processes rather than external factors that also influence communication interactions.

What is the Argyle communication cycle?

The Argyle communication cycle, developed by Michael Argyle, describes the process of interpersonal communication as a series of stages. These stages include encoding, transmitting, decoding, and receiving messages, as well as providing feedback. The model emphasizes the importance of feedback and how it contributes to the effectiveness of communication.

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What are the types and model of communication?

There are so many different types and models of communication. The most common include Aristotle's Model, Shannon-Weaver model, modern communication model and Thayer's model among others.

What are the types of models of communication?

There are so many different types and models of communication. The most common include Aristotle's Model, Shannon-Weaver model, modern communication model and Thayer's model among others.

What are the different model of communication?

Models of communication to be effective must include feedback. There are internal and external models of communication. Even though there are many variations the basic communication model is most popular.

What are the Advantages of linear model communication?

advantages and disadvantages of linear model communication

What kinds of models of communication are there?

There are three kinds of models of communication. They are linear model, interactive model, and transactional model. Communication is the key to success in life.

What are the model of communiction?

There are several models of communication, including the linear model (sender-message-receiver), interactive model (feedback loop between sender and receiver), transactional model (continuous exchange of messages with simultaneous sender-receiver roles), and the Shannon-Weaver model (source, encoder, channel, decoder, destination). Each model offers a different framework for understanding how communication occurs between individuals or groups.

What are the Advantages and disadvantages of westley and maclean model of communication?

This model was formed in 1976 by Westley and MacLean. The advantages are that it can account for different modes of communication, i.e, it accounts for both interpersonal and mass media oriented communication. It accounts for feedbacks. It is a predictive, heuristic model of communication and is very descriptive. It isolates the different dimensions of the communication process. This model also accounts for non-binary interactions. This means that it will hold good even for communications involving more than two sources. The only disadvantage is that despite its descriptive nature, this model is two dimensional and can't account for typical communication events that involve a broader context and a wider range of communication messages. However, there are limitations to almost all models of communication and Westley and MacLean have provided a pretty comprehensive model as far as the working of a typical media organization or institute is concerned.

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display model means that in which different celebarities, actor, statue that attract to customer for buying this product its called display model of communication. for example in LUX soap Reema, babra sharif playing role of display model they are attracting to customer for for purchasing specific product.

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What are the advantages of interactive model of communication?

The advantages are you are able to talk to a variety of people in different ways. In order to have effective communication, you will need to be able to interact with those around you.

What are the communication planning strategy in hotel sector?

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