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shakria is 33 years old.

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Shakira is currently 44 years old, born on February 2, 1977.

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Does shakria do any dancing?

yes, shakria is an excellent dancer, i wish i could dance like her!

Is shakria Turkish?

No, Shakira is Lebanese.

Is shakria the singer died?

No. She is alive and well

When did shakria died?

shakria the singer has not died. i don't know were you got that from but it is a lie!

What South American country is Shakira from?

Shakria is from ColumbiaColumbia

Is sharkira Mexican?

Shakria is Mexican. don't u hear her music Du

Is shakria a gypsy?

No, Shakira is not a gypsy. She is a Colombian singer and songwriter of Lebanese and Spanish descent.

What is shakria's last name?

Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll

What song did shakria sing on the wizards of Waverly place in season 3 episode 64?


Why did shakria split from her husband?

Shakira and her partner Gerard Piqué have not split up. They are still together as of my latest information.

What is the nationality of Shakria?

The pop singer-songwriter Shakira is Colombian. Shakira was born in Barranquilla, Columbia in 1977 before moving to America to pursue her career in the entertainment industry.

How is better shakria then Lady Gaga?

hmm,i think fans should answer,but they are both great,but i believe lady gaga has been more successful,they are both great,i wont compare them but gaga is more successful