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A hypothesis on the relationship between life expectancy and fertility rate could be: "As life expectancy increases, fertility rate is expected to decrease due to improved healthcare leading to lower child mortality rates and increased educational and career opportunities for women, resulting in smaller family sizes." This hypothesis suggests a negative correlation between life expectancy and fertility rate.

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Q: How do you write hypothesis on the relationship between life expectancy and fertility rate?
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What is the relationship between GDP per capita and life expectancy?

There is a positive correlation between GDP per capita and life expectancy, meaning that as GDP per capita increases, life expectancy tends to increase as well. Higher GDP can lead to better access to healthcare, improved living conditions, and overall better quality of life, which can contribute to increased life expectancy.

What was life expectancy in 1961?

The global average life expectancy in 1961 was around 52 years. However, life expectancy varied significantly between countries and regions due to differences in healthcare, nutrition, and other factors.

What was life expectancy for people born in 1950?

In 1950, the global life expectancy at birth was around 48 years. However, life expectancy varied significantly between regions and countries, influenced by factors such as healthcare access, public health measures, and socioeconomic conditions.

What is the life expectancy of Spain?

The life expectancy in Spain is around 83 years, with women typically living longer than men. This is due to factors such as a Mediterranean diet, access to quality healthcare, and a generally high standard of living.

Life expectancy at birth?

Life expectancy at birth is an estimate of how long a person can expect to live, on average, based on current age-specific mortality rates. It is influenced by factors such as healthcare access, nutrition, sanitation, and overall quality of life. Life expectancy can vary widely between countries and regions.

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Lol. Obviosly if a man has ms it will not affect his fertility. it may be harder for him to have sex, but otherwise, there is no relationship between fertility and ms.

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double blind -hardvard teacher

What are the two part of a hypothesis?

The two parts of a hypothesis are the null hypothesis, which states that there is no significant difference or relationship, and the alternative hypothesis, which suggests that there is a significant difference or relationship between variables.

What is the relationship between hypothesizing and experimenting in science?

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