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The top answer is wrong (and it would be "gigo" if it was). Ukrainian is certainly not a sharper-sounding language than English. On the contrary, it is one of the smoothest-sounding languages, comparable to Farsi (Persian). Both дідо and ґідо are used, the latter in south-western Ukraine.
Despite the common misconception, grandfather in Ukrainian is Dido. "Gido" is often used because of the auditory differences in the language. Ukrainian is a much sharper-sounding language, thus causing the "D" sounds to be interpreted as an English "G".
Baba means grandma. you pronounce it baba as well. Sources: I am ukrainian ;)
In Ukrainian, "Grandpa" is "дідусь" pronounced as "didus."
impaa - grandfather imma- grandmother
In Yiddish, grandfather is "zaide" (זיידע).
Grandfather in Yiddish is "זיידע" (zeide).
Ukrainian, but it is actually pronouced "Did" or "did-oos" Didi seems to be a Canadian-Ukrainian version as that is what I called my Grandfather. (I'm Canadian-Ukrainian.)
did more like deed I am Ukrainian and growing up the word for grandfather was dida (deeda) or some say dido (deedo) NOT geda/gida I hated that way.
You say " where is it" in Ukrainian like this "De vono?"
Good in Ukrainian is добри (dobry)!
To say "ladies" in Ukrainian, you would say "жінки" (zhinky).
King in Ukrainian would be король (korol').
Baba means grandma. you pronounce it baba as well. Sources: I am ukrainian ;)
My family is Ukrainian: МОЯ РОДИНА - УКРАЇНСЬКА.Pronunciation: Moya rodyna - ukrayins'ka.
no problem
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