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To raise the reticulocyte count in a 2-year-old with sickle cell disease (sickler), treatments such as blood transfusions, hydroxyurea therapy, or medications to stimulate red blood cell production can be considered. It's important to work closely with a healthcare provider to determine the best treatment approach based on the individual child's health status and needs. Regular monitoring and follow-up are essential to assess the effectiveness of the treatment.

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Q: How can a retic count of 0.2 percent of a 2 year old sickler be raised?
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What is the normal range for retic count?

2.5-5 %

What color tube is used for Retic count?

Lavender (EDTA) tube is commonly used for reticulocyte count.

What else is a reticulocyte count called?

usually performed when patients are evaluated for anemia and response to its treatment. It is sometimes called a retic count.

How is a reticulocyte count conducted?

The first step in a retic count is drawing the patient's blood sample. About 17 oz (5 ml) of blood is withdrawn from a vein into a vacuum tube.

What is a natural diet retic?

There is no such thing as a diet retic, so there are no natural diet retics. As for some natural DIURETICS, try tea or apple cider vinegar.

What lab test tells if you are anemic?

A CBC (complete blood count) is your basic determiner. On a low result Doctor's will tend to order: Haptoglobin Ferritin Iron % Sat Retic Ct B12 Folate Occult Blood

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Adult crocodiles prey on retic pythons.

Will a reticulated python eat a black mamba?

Retic pythons prey on other snakes.

Does mongooses kill python snakes?

Retic and burmese pythons can prey on mongoose. Mongoose are too small for these pythons.

Is the reticulated python the longest python in the world?

Retic pythons grow up to 33 ft long. That is about a bus's length.

Snake most intelligent?

They says its the Reticulated Python, although i can not confurm this. Might have something to do with the Retic beeing the longest snake and thus a larger brain.

Who are the dholes enemies?

Tigers and leopards kill dholes, but don't eat them. Saltwater crocodiles, mugger crocodiles, and retic pythons could be potential enemies.