Yes. When God first created the Earrth, many people lived to be 200 or over. Adam, the first man, lived to be 900 years old.
1970 48th birthday will be in 2018 unless already 48 then 49th birthday will be in 2018 so born in 1969
If you were born in December 1976, you would be 45 years old as of December 2021.
Babies are typically considered 0 years old when they are born. Some cultures may consider a newborn to be already in their first year of life.
In 2009, you would be 44 years old if you were born in 1965.
If you were born in 1971, and it is currently 2021, you would be 50 years old.
Egypt already existed when Abraham, the first Jew, was born.
no because they have already been born
A cow has already been born at least 4 years ago. And a calf is born at 0 hours.
You would have already been 21 in 2009!
As of 2011, assuming you have already celebrated your birthday this year, you would have been born in 1968. If you have not yet celebrated your birthday, you would have been born in 1967.
Assuming his birth year of 2010, if he had already celebrated his birthday this year, he would have been born in 1963. Had he not have celebrated his birthday, he would have been born in 1962.
Given the current year of 2010, if someone has already celebrated their birthday, they would have been born in 1937. If they had not yet celebrated their birthday, they would have been born in 1936.
Assuming the current year of 2010, if you have already celebrated your birthday this year, you would have been born in 1960. If you have not yet celebrated your birthday, you would have been born in 1959.
If you are just fourteen, you were born in 1995, but if you are fourteen already and have been since the end of last year, you were born in 1994
No, he does not have a baby on the way. The baby has already been born.
Assuming the current year of 2010, if you have already celebrated your birthday, you would have been born in 1995. If you have not yet celebrated your birthday, you would have been born in 1994.
Subtracting 75 from the current year, 2010, gives 1935. Therefore, if you have had your birthday already this year, you will have been born in 1935. If you have not yet had your birthday, you would have been born in 1934.