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If she has to provide fro you it means you can not take care of yourself which means you do not fulfill the criteria for emancipation.

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The laws regarding emancipation vary by state, but in general, a minor would need to prove they can financially support themselves in order to be emancipated. If the minor can demonstrate that they have a stable living situation with their aunt and can support themselves, emancipation may be granted. It's important to consult with a lawyer to understand the specific requirements in the relevant state.

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Q: Can a 16 year old get emancipated and move in with an aunt who will provide for their well being?
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If you move out at 17 do you have to move in with relatives?

If you move out at 17, you may not be able to sign a lease or legally enter into contracts, which could make it difficult to rent your own place. Moving in with relatives may be a more viable option since they can provide support and guidance until you turn 18 and gain more independence. Make sure to consider factors like financial stability and your safety before making a decision.

Why is it important to provide continued love and affection when elderly move into aged care?

Providing continued love and affection to elderly individuals when they move into aged care is important for maintaining their emotional well-being. This support helps them feel valued, connected, and less isolated in their new environment. It also fosters a sense of security and comfort, which can have positive effects on their overall health and quality of life.

How old do you have to move out of your parents house?

There is no set age for when you have to move out of your parents' house. It depends on individual circumstances, cultural norms, and personal preferences. Some people choose to move out in their late teens or early 20s, while others may stay longer for financial reasons or to provide support to their parents.

Was the age changed from 18 to 21 in order to move out?

The minimum legal age to move out on your own varies depending on the country and region. In some places, the age was changed from 18 to 21 in order to provide additional safeguards and support for younger individuals who may not be fully equipped to handle the responsibilities of living independently.

Can you move out at 16 if you move in with someone 18 or older?

In most places, a minor cannot legally move out of their parents' home without their consent until they reach the age of majority, typically 18. Even if they move in with someone over 18, they would still be considered a minor and subject to parental consent or court approval to change their living situation.

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Can a 16 or 17 year old move out without being emancipated in Illinois?

In Illinois, a 16 or 17-year-old can move out without being emancipated if they have their parent's consent or if they are able to provide for themselves financially. However, if they cannot support themselves, they may need to seek emancipation through the court.

Can you balance bills and a job and schoolwork after being emancipated and can you move out in Arkansas at the age of seventeen?

You must be able to balance bills/job/school in order to get emancipated. If you are emancipated then you can move out at 17.

How can a teenager move out in Washington state without being emancipated?

You can

Can a girl 16-year-old with a baby be emancipated and move in with her baby daddy and his family in Virginia?

Yes, she could be emancipated, but if the parents give permission (normally required for emancipation anyway) she can move in without being emancipated.

If you are 16 years old and you feel that your mother cannot provide you with your basic needs how can you move out and live with your boyfriend?

petition the courts for emancipation Get a job. A 16-year-old cannot leave home without parental permission or being emancipated. In order to be emancipated you would have provide the court with a valid reason why it

Can you legally move out at 16 without being emancipated in the state of Colorado?

In Colorado, minors who are at least 16 years old can move out without being emancipated if they have the consent of a parent or legal guardian. Otherwise, they would need to be emancipated by a court to live independently.

I am 16 and I'm living in MI with my mom I don't get along with her is there a way that I could move with my aunt in Texas?

Yes you can tell the courts you want emancipated and they will help you.

Can a 15-year-old move out without being emancipated in Oregon?

of course of course

How old does a girl have to be to move out of her house with out her parents?

18 without being emancipated. Each state has different laws for how to be emancipated and how early it can be done and under what circumstances.

Can a 17 year old move out without parental consent or being emancipated in the state of Minnesota?


Can a 17-year-old legally move out of their parents' house without being emancipated in tx?


If your 16 years old in Illinois and your emancipated can you move in with your boyfriend that is over the age of 18?

As long as you are emancipated, you can move in. When you become emancipated it means, even though age wise you are not, legally you are an adult. You can sign contracts and make all the decisions, and deal with the responsibilities of, being an adult.