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In Georgia, a 16-year-old may be able to choose to live with her grandparents if her parents are in agreement. If her parents do not consent, then the grandparents would need to petition the court for legal guardianship or custody. It would be best to consult with a family law attorney to explore the options available in this situation.

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Q: Can a 16 year old choose to live with her grandparents in Ga?
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In the state of Virginia can a 17 year old leave their parents home to live with their grandparents?

In Virginia, a 17-year-old is considered a minor and must have parental consent to live with another adult, such as grandparents. If the parents approve, the teenager can live with their grandparents without legal issues.

Can a 16 or 17 year old girl choose where to live to finush senior year in ny state?

In New York, a 16 or 17-year-old cannot choose where to live independently to finish senior year of high school unless they are legally emancipated. Otherwise, they are typically required to live with a parent or legal guardian until they reach the age of majority.

Can you move in with your grandparents without parental consent at the age of 17?

In most places, a 17-year-old would need parental consent to move in with their grandparents. However, laws vary by location, so it's best to check the specific regulations in your area. In some cases, a court order or legal emancipation may also allow a 17-year-old to live independently.

Can an 18 year old female in Alabama leave home and live with her grandparents?

In Alabama, the legal age of majority is 19. However, the courts generally recognize a minor's ability to choose where they live if they are deemed mature enough to make that decision. This would depend on the circumstances of the situation and the minor's ability to care for themselves.

Can you leave home in Ontario Canada to live with your grandparents at age 15?

In Ontario, a child who is 16 or 17 years old can leave home without parental permission. However, a 15-year-old would still require parental consent or involvement of child services to live with their grandparents. It's recommended to seek guidance from a trusted adult or contact child services for assistance in these situations.

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No. Until you are 18 your parents decide.

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Not until you are 18.

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No. He can not choose where to live until he is 18.

In the state of Virginia can a 17 year old leave their parents home to live with their grandparents?

In Virginia, a 17-year-old is considered a minor and must have parental consent to live with another adult, such as grandparents. If the parents approve, the teenager can live with their grandparents without legal issues.

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No she can not.

Can a 13 yr old child in CO choose to live with grandparents instead of their parent?

No, the minor cannot choose until he is 18. Until then he needs parental consent.