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In such a situation the children/family members would only be responsible for payment of such debts if they had entered into a written contract/agreement with medical and/or health care providers.

If a parent, spouse or relative is unable to sign his or herself into a medical facility or nursing home the signer should be very clear on what, if any conditions are attached for taking the action for the patient. Usually admitting someone to a facility when that someone cannot take the steps themselves will not make the signer obligated to pay expenses.

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In most cases, children are not responsible for their parents' debts unless they have co-signed or guaranteed those debts. Medicaid may cover nursing home costs if the parents cannot pay. It is advised to consult with a legal professional to understand specific situations and liabilities.

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Q: Are children responsible for living parents' debts when the parents are confined to a nursing home?
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Are children responsible for parents nursing home debt in NY?

In New York, children are not automatically responsible for their parents' nursing home debt. However, under certain circumstances, such as if they have signed a contract agreeing to be financially responsible for the debt, or if they have transferred their parents' assets to avoid paying for care, they may be held liable. It is recommended to seek legal advice in such situations.

Why do parents need to be mature and responsible?

Parents need to be mature and responsible to provide a stable and nurturing environment for their children. They need to make decisions in the best interest of their children and model appropriate behavior for them to follow. Being mature and responsible helps parents navigate challenges and setbacks effectively, ultimately shaping the well-being and development of their children.

Who is financially responsible for an 18 year old unemancipated but not living with either parent?

Typically, parents are financially responsible for their children until they reach the age of majority, which is 18 in most places. However, in certain cases, legal guardians or the state may also become financially responsible for the minor if the parents are unable or unwilling to fulfill that responsibility.

Who is caring for the elderly?

Elderly care can be provided by family members, professional caregivers, assisted living facilities, nursing homes, or community programs. The specifics of who cares for the elderly depend on individual circumstances such as health needs, financial resources, and available support systems.

Are adult children responsible for paying foreclosure debts of deceased parents?

In most cases, adult children are not personally responsible for paying the foreclosure debts of their deceased parents. Debts of the deceased are typically settled using the assets within their estate before any inheritance is distributed to beneficiaries. However, it is advisable to consult with a legal professional to understand the specific obligations in your jurisdiction.

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Do I have to pay your parents nursing home?

Whether it's your parents or mine, you won't have to pay (other than through taxes) - children are not legally responsible for their parents.

Are adult children responsible for deceased parents nursing home debts when they are broke?

Generally, a parent's estate is responsible, the children are not--even when the children are not broke--, unless the children have committed themselves to pay for the obligation in some other way.

Are children responsible for parents nursing home debt in NY?

In New York, children are not automatically responsible for their parents' nursing home debt. However, under certain circumstances, such as if they have signed a contract agreeing to be financially responsible for the debt, or if they have transferred their parents' assets to avoid paying for care, they may be held liable. It is recommended to seek legal advice in such situations.

Who has more responsibility parents to their children or children to their parents?

Parents are completely responsible for their children's wellbeing, so it's parents to children.

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Are parents responsible for adult children's tuition?

No. They are adults so they are responsible.

Who is responsible for childrens medical bills?

It depends partially on the age of the children. If they are not adults, the parents are responsible. If the children are above the age of majority, and not on their parents' insurance, they should be responsible for their own debts.

Parents are responsible for the morality of their childrens or teachers?

Parents teach their children on how to behave.

What are three things parents are responsible for to protect their children's health?

Parents are responsible for providing food, clothing, and shelter for their children. Ideally, parents should also take their children for regular checkups and recommended vaccinations and should be sure their children are seen by a doctor when ill.

How good is law in determining the rights of parents and children?

It is very good. It specifies that the parents are responsible for the safety and welfare of their children.

Are parents legally responsible for children aged sixteen?


Who is financially responsible for minor children?

Their parents or legal guardians.