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about the same among all groups

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10mo ago

A country that has stable populations is characterized by an age structure that is relatively balanced, with a similar proportion of individuals in different age groups. This indicates that the Birth Rate is approximately equal to the Death Rate, resulting in a stable population size over time. Additionally, stable populations may also have a low migration rate, as there is no significant influx or outflow of individuals that could significantly impact population stability.

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Q: A country that has stable populations is characterized by an age structure is?
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What is the age sex pyramid of a devoloped country?

The age-sex pyramid of a developed country typically shows a more even distribution of population across age groups, with narrower base due to lower birth rates. It may also show a larger proportion of older individuals, indicating longer life expectancy and lower fertility rates. This shape reflects a more stable population structure compared to developing countries with higher birth rates and younger populations.

What demographic transition stage is Ukraine currently in?

Ukraine is currently in Stage 5 of the demographic transition, characterized by low birth rates and low death rates, resulting in a relatively stable population size with a higher proportion of elderly individuals.

What is the difference between a young mature and old stream?

A young stream is typically characterized by a steep gradient, fast flow, and erosion of its channel. As a stream matures, it becomes more meandering, has a gentler gradient, and tends to deposit sediments in its channel. An old stream has a low gradient, meanders extensively, and has a stable floodplain with significant sediment deposition.

Which countries are on stage 3 of demographic transition?

Countries in Stage 3 of the demographic transition are characterized by declining birth rates and population growth, leading to more stable population sizes. Examples of countries in Stage 3 include most of Western Europe, North America, and parts of East Asia. These countries typically have higher levels of economic development, improved healthcare, and access to contraception.

What is a zebras population?

The population of zebras varies depending on the species and location. In general, zebras are not considered endangered, and their populations are relatively stable in many parts of Africa. The most common zebra species, the plains zebra, is estimated to number around 500,000 individuals in the wild.

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A country that has a stable population is characterized by an age structure that is?

About the same among all groups

The population distribution for a country shows that each age structure is about the same size what type of population growth is this country experiencing?

The country is likely experiencing stable or zero population growth. When each age structure is about the same size, it indicates that the birth rate is roughly balanced with the death rate, leading to a stable population without significant growth or decline.

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Two factors that keep populations stable?

Birth and death.

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Yes, allele frequencies are more likely to remain stable in large populations due to the effects of genetic drift being more pronounced in small populations. In small populations, random events can lead to significant changes in allele frequencies, whereas in large populations, genetic drift has less impact and allele frequencies are more likely to remain stable over time.

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The Elizabeth I reign is seen as the Golden Age of the monarch. She brought stability to the country, and there was structure to the government.

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To keep the populations of animals consumed stable in a community.

How do you make a sentence with the word structure?

You can say, "The structure of the building was stable."

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Is Monaco a stable safe economically successful country?

Yes, it is a stable successful country.

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They are not limited by natural predators

Is Canada stable or unstable?

In general, Canada is a stable country.