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Q: What question has the answer yellow in it?
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What is the probability of pulling a yellow from the bag?

There is insufficient information in the question to answer it. You need to specific how many yellow's and non-yellow's there are in the bag. Please restate the question.

What is the definition for question?

It's a question you can test. "Are yellow shirts more visible in the dark?" can be tested. "Are yellow shirts pretty?" cannot.

Is the first G in Google blue or yellow?

The answer of this question is easy it was Blue not Yellow

Are ugg boots yellow?

In 2010, when this question was answered, there were no yellow Ugg boots.

What are yellow bags used for?

We need a little more info to answer this question. Yellow trash bags? Yellow handbags?

What color are yellow giants?

Yellow, it's in the question... Umm.... I dunno... Maybe blue? couldn't POSSIBLY be yellow could it?

What does a yellow question mark indicates?


Is the yellow flash dead?

good question yes he is good question yes he is

Is the number google bigger than eleventy yellow?

The question has no answer, because 'eleventy yellow' is not a number.

What is a word that means yellow and starts with the letter Y?

Yellowish is a word that means yellow. It starts with the letter Y.

How do you get to see your answers after you have asked a question?

If the question has been answered, a new yellow tab will appear below the question.

Which Rocky Mountain Potato has a yellow skin and yellow flesh and was develop in Finland?

trick question, none of them