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Having depth, width and height.

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Q: What is the definition of three dementional?
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What is the name of the three-dementional pattern that forms when ions bond?

It's called a crystal lattice

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What dimensional is a square?

2 dementional

How do the techniques of tinting and shading make something appear three dementional?

They give it depth so that the image looks like it has a light source and that it is interacting with it.

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What shape is three dementional?

There are lots of 3 dimensional shapes, like spheres, cubes, rectangular prisms, triangular prisms, pyramids, tetrahedrons, the list could go on forever.

What does surface area?

surface area is the measure of a 3dementional and 2 dementional object

How do you convert inches into cubic inches?

you don't. inches is a measure of length. cubic inches is a measure of volume. As told by by ID1245921910. To Confirm this, Inches by its self can be expressed as 2 Dementional where as Cubic Inces is more as a 3 Dementional expression.

How many square feet covers one 5 gals of Somay elastomeric roof membrane?

Square feet is a 2-dementional state whereas gallon(s) are 3-dementional in quality. Impossible to answer question.

What does DSIXL mean in Nintendo dsixl?

DS means digital system. The I means internet. And the XL means extra large. ( in 3DS means three dementional system) see me on youtube: shiny23101 please!!

What nucleic acid is found in ribosomes?

to carry genetic material and maintain a 3 dementional shape

What is a 3 dementional square called?

I don't know that what I want to know u should give the answer