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Q: What is the average price to tile a shower?
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What is the average price per sq-ft for tile installation for a shower around Washington dc?

about $7.50

How much does an average shower cost?

With Tile work and lead pan and anti scald shower body $6,900

Shower Tile?

form_title= Shower Tile form_header= Redo your shower tile and create a whole new bathroom look! Do you have tile that needs toe removed?*= () Yes () No () Not Sure What color tile do you what installed?*= _ [50] What are the dimensions of your bathroom?*= _ [50]

What is the average cost for a new walk in shower with tile in California?


What is the average price range for a corner shower enclosure?

The average price range for a corner shower enclosure is $900 to $2,000. This all depends on if the shower has glass, if the shower is bigger or smaller, and if the shower is rectangular or circular.

What is the average price per square foot for tile installation for out door patio around Oakland CA?

The average cost for tile installation is $7.44 - $10.90

What is the average price per HOUR for tile installation around NYC?


What is the average price per sq foot for tile installation?

from $2.50 to $10

What is the average price for tile installation in Louisville Ky?

Tile installation depends on the cost of materials and how large a space you are doing. It will average between 500 and 2000 dollars.

Can marble tile be used in a shower?

Yes you can use marble tile in shower and it can enhance the look of your bathroom. Please see the related links below.

What is the average price per sq foot for tile roof installation?

4 sq feet

Can you use floor tile in a shower?

yes that's what i did.