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Q: What is a pie-shaped wedge of a hard disc called?
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What is the pie-shaped wedge of a hard disk called?


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hard disc

What do hard drives do?

They store digital information in a relativly permenent form. Some hard drives called 'Hard Disc Drives' store data magnetically on a metal disc. Newer hard drives called 'Solid State Drives' store data electronically on flash memory.

What are concentric circles on a floppy disk or hard drive called?

Track on afloppy disc

Why is knife a wedge?

A knife is a wedge by it's classical definition. "A piece of hard material with two principal faces meeting in a sharply acute angle" There is something called a "wedge-knife", however most knives would not make very good wedges.

What is hard disk explain briefly?

The hard disk is a device which attached in a CPU where data , program ,and folder are being stored .

How do you reformat a Mac Pro laptop With out lossing anything?

Reformatting a hard disc will wipe the contents from the hard disc. You will need to backup the contents of the hard disc onto an external disc before reformatting and then copy the contents back to return it to the newly reformatted disc.

Can you take iformation from a game disc and download it into your xbox?

Yes, this is called game installation on the hard drive.

Is a butter knife a wedge?

A knife is a wedge by it's classical definition. "A piece of hard material with two principal faces meeting in a sharply acute angle" There is something called a "wedge-knife", however most knives would not make very good wedges.

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What is a Disc Doctor used for?

The Disc Doctor program is used to clean up and free space on a personal computer's hard disc. It also tells the user how much free space they have on the hard disc.