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There is no diamond corner

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Q: What is a diamond corner?
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How do you get to where you buy Pokemon from the game corner in diamond?

You can not buy Pokemon from the game corner in Pokemon diamond, but you can in heartgold and soulsilver

Where is the game corner Pokemon diamond?

The game corner's in Veilstone City.

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What is a diamond corner called?


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You have to look for them in Pokemon Diamond. you have to look around the corner of the shop.

What shape is 4 corner?

a square, rectangle, diamond..........

How many corner does the diamond have?

can have any no depending on how its cut

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He is in the lighthouse at the southeast corner of the city

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To get a master ball in Pokemon Diamond you have to beat Cyrus. You can also get one in the game corner.

What is the Pokemon Diamond ID on action replay?

Put in Pokemon Diamond. On the home screen in the bottom left corner it will tell you. It starts with ADAE-

How do you get the diamond on Nabooti Island?

Look for the white diamond jewel on the bottom left corner, use you microscope thing to find it, it has a triangle impression on it.