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Not to be vague, but it truly depends on the pattern, size, type and design you choose. A basic answer: 270 Sq.Ft. (add 10% for breakage, if applicable)

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Q: How much tile do you need for 15x18 room?
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How do I measure for, and install ceramic tile flooring?

I want to put ceramic tile flooring in my kitchen but i don't know how to measure the footage. What is the formula for measuring square footage for ceramic tile?

How many 12x12 tiles do you need for a 11'X11' room?

You would need 111 tile, but with waste you will want to get 125 tile.

How much tile should you purchase for a seven ft. by 9.5 ft room?

-- If you only want to tile the floor, then you need 66.5 square feet of tile. -- If you also want to tile the ceiling, then you need an additional 66.5 square feet of tile. -- If you want to tile the walls, then you need (33 x height of the ceiling) square feet of tile for the walls alone. These figures will produce some excess tile, since the door, windows, and light- fixtures don't need to be tiled. That excess will most likely allow enough for loss and breakage of material.

If you have a room 12 X 12 how many 12 X 12 ceiling tile would you need?

144 tile assuming you have no waste.

How many 2.778 in tiles do you need to do a room 12 by 8?

The size of a tile requires two measures. It is also necessary to specify the units used for both, the measure of the tile as well as of the room.

How many 12 x 12 tile do I need for a 15' x 15' room?

You need 225 tiles. :)

How much 18x18 tile needed to cover a 352 square foot room?

160 of them.

How much tile would cover a 900 squarew foot room?

Approximately 900 square feet of tile, less the area taken up by grout.

How many 12x12 tiles needed for a 10 x 10 room?

To calculate the number of 12x12 tiles needed for a 10x10 room, you first need to find the area of the room. A 10x10 room has an area of 100 square feet. Since each 12x12 tile covers 1 square foot, you would need 100 tiles to cover the entire room.

Do you lay tile before or after trim?

Generally you would put the trim on after the tile is done. Especially if you are laying ceramic tile and need a mud base or cement board. If the room connects to another without tile, I would do the trim first. For example, the kitchen has tile and it flows directly to the dining room that has wood down and won't be replaced. If you put the trim down after the tile, the trim in the kitchen will be at least 3/4" taller then the dining room. This is only an issue when you have a really open floor plan.

How many 12 inch tiles do you need for a 5X6 foot room?

each tile is 1 sq ft and room is 6x5=30 sq ft so you need 30tiles

How do you measure a room for 12x12 tile?

width times length 10 x 12 room needs 120 tile.