Because this fascinated him.
He didn't. Tessellations are seen throughout art history, from ancient architecture to modern art.
Johannes Kepler discovered and studied tessellations.
Marjorie Rice didn't invent tessellations, which have been around for a long time - but she did discover at least 4 previously unknown tessellations.
According to my math textbook tessellations are prominent in Islamic art, Italian mosaics, quilts and ceramics. A very famous tessellation artist is M.C.Escher he created many paints, drawing, and prints using tessellations of interlocking animals. His art reflects the mathematics that underlies all things. Tessellations are frequently used in graphics arts and interior decorating. Since the Koran forbids the use of images of people or animals, many Muslim buildings are decorated with tessellations.
MC Escher
his art work
Because this fascinated him.
Things with different perspectives and tessellations.
he made lots of tessellations like birds, fish, stairs, people, faces
He didn't. Tessellations are seen throughout art history, from ancient architecture to modern art.
M.C. Escher
He did many different art works, mostly dealing with tessellations. He did self-portraits, and many works such as Waterfall and the Eye.
Tessellations have been used in art and architecture since ancient times, with examples found in cultures such as Islamic art and Roman mosaics. However, the term "tessellation" was not used until the 17th century, popularized by mathematicians like Kepler and Escher.
Tessellations was one type of art work that Escher was well known for. The other are his studies of perspective that created such works as Waterfall.
An irregular tessellation is a tesselation made of irregular shapes. Escher is famous for drawing these with animals in them.