Oh, dude, "towering" has three syllables. It's like when you're trying to impress someone with your vocabulary but also want to keep it chill, you know? Just break it down into "tow-er-ing" and you're good to go.
There are two syllables in the word giant. The syllables in the word are gi-ant.
There are three syllables. Glo-ri-ous.
No. Towering is an adjective, e.g. He was in a towering rage.
The word helmet has two syllables. Hel - met . . . bump-bump one-two hel-met.
The phrase "two-coordinate graph" has six syllables. The syllables are two-co-or-din-ate-graph. The highest stress point in the phrase is the word graph.
The word 'answer' has 2 syllables. An-swer.
There are four syllables in the word "usually".
The syllables in the word what is only 1 : "what".
The word has three syllables.
The word apotex has three syllables. The syllables in the word are a-po-tex.
There are three syllables in the word taxation. The syllables of the word are tax-a-tion.
The word prophets has two syllables. The syllables of the word are pro-phets.
there are two (2) syllables in the word answer.
The word managed has two syllables. The syllables in the word are man-aged.
There are two syllables in the word woman. The syllables of the word are wo-man.
The word burnol has two syllables. The syllables in the word are bur-nol.
The word unwrap has two syllables. The syllables in the word are un-wrap.