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Q: How many stairs are there on a Mesopotamian ziggurat?
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How did the Mesopotamian reach the upper levels of the ziggurat?

They used the stairs they built outside of the ziggurat.

Is a mesopotamian terraced scribe a ziggurat?

No, a Mesopotamian terraced scribe is not a Ziggurat. The answer would be A Mesopotamian terraced Pyramid is a ziggurat.

What in the world is a ziggurat?

A ziggurat is an ancient Mesopotamian temple tower.

What is a ziggurat?

A ziggurat is a temple tower of the Mesopotamian valley, with the form of a terraced pyramid of receding storeys.

Where is The Ziggurat?

They were made in Babylon and other early Mesopotamian city-states.

What was in the center of a sumerian city-state?

tombs and houses that the egyptians built to live in

How would you label a ziggurat?

A ziggurat is a type of ancient Mesopotamian temple tower characterized by a stepped pyramid shape. It could be labeled simply as "Ziggurat" or more specifically, if known, by its location or historical context such as "Sumerian Ziggurat of Ur."

What were the contribution to the world of art of the people in the mesopotamian region specially the sumerian?

Their contributions was the Ziggurat

Why is the ziggurat important in the mesopotamian?

It was the largest and most impressive temples, linked to the heavens and earth

Which word describes a ziggurat?

A ziggurat is a rectangular stepped tower, typically associated with ancient Mesopotamian architecture, used as a temple complex for religious purposes.

What is inside of a ziggurat?

A ziggurat was an ancient Mesopotamian temple tower made of baked brick. Inside, they typically housed a shrine or temple dedicated to a specific deity. The rooms in a ziggurat were used for religious ceremonies and offerings.

What was the shrine at the top of the ziggurat called?

The shrine at the top of the ziggurat was called a temple. It was considered the most sacred part of the ziggurat and was dedicated to a specific deity or god in Mesopotamian religion. Temples were where rituals and offerings were made to honor the gods.