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Usually, a load bearing wall will be perpendicular to the roof ridge.

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Q: How do you know if its a load bearing wall?
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Define - No load bearing wall?

A wall bearing no load.

What is Load-bearing?

Load Bearing - something that bears a load. Like a load bearing wall in a house. The wall is holding something up like the roof, another floor, etc.

Can you run electrical wire's in load bearing wall?

Yes, you can run electrical wires in a load bearing wall.

Will a load-bearing wall cause structeral damage?

A load-bearing wall itself will not cause structural damage. However, if a load-bearing wall is removed without structural replacement, yes structural damage will occur.

What is load bearing wall?

A load bearing wall supports a structure or weight that is above it, transferring that weight to what is below the wall. Also - The most common, as easiest to identify is the exterior wall.

How do you find load bearing walls in a 2 story?

You will need to go to the level above the wall. If girders, joists or another wall is supported by your initial wall, then that becomes a 'load'. Supported by by the wall downstarirs, Thus bearing a load

Is plinth wall a load bearing wall?

Lath and plaster is just an old type of wall finish. Like drywall is a wall finish. What the wall is constructed of underneath the lath and plaster and where it is placed in the building determine if it is load bearing or not. A lath and plaster wall could be load bearing or it might not be. IF it is an outside wall, it most certainly is load bearing. other than that, the best way to figure it out is to have a structural engineer tell you wether it is or not. Even if it is load bearing it may be possible to remove it if a beam is put up in place of the wall. Really, the best and safest way to decide is to have a engineer look at it.

What is non load bearing partition walls?

A partition wall divides a larger space. Non load bearing means that it's not supporting the floor or wall above.

How can you tell an interior load bearing wall?

Center of a structure is usually load bearing. Look in attic or basement to see where the support is.

What are the types of non load bearing walls?

Non load bearing walls are walls that the weight of the roof is not supported on. Any wall that runs parallel will roof joists will be non load bearing.

If I'm interested in having a wall knocked down to open up the space, should I hire a professional to do the job?

If the wall is load bearing or you are not sure if it is load bearing I would definately hire a professional. If you are sure the wall is not load bearing and you have some basic carpenters skills this should be a manageable job for a homeowner.

What wall supports loads in addition to its own weight?

A wall that bears the load of a roof, floor or another wall above it, is carrying a load other than its own weight and is called a load-bearing wall.