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erosion by water

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Q: How do jagged mountain peaks become rounded?
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How can jagged mountains peaks become more rounded?

Jagged mountains peaks become more rounded by the process of weathering. This occurs as wind and rain slowly eat away at the mountain, removing tiny bits of the rocks at a time until the mountains look more rounded than jagged.

Why do jagged mountain peaks become rounded?

Jagged mountain peaks become rounded over time due to erosion caused by factors such as wind, water, and ice. These forces gradually wear away at the sharp edges and steep slopes of the peaks, smoothing them out and rounding their contours. Additionally, geological processes such as weathering and tectonic activity can also contribute to the rounding of mountain peaks.

How do mountain peaks become rounded?

through erosion

What is a mountain range with jagged peaks called?


How could jagged mountain peaks become rounder?

Through harsh winds constantly battering the mountain tops possibly earthquakes which could end up grinding two mountains together,the friction of which could cause the peaks to round off.

What are the characteristics of a young mountain?

Tall, rocky, jagged peaks are young: Himalayas Low, tree covered, rounded, hill-like features are old: Appalachians

What is one clue that tells you that a mountain is young versus being old?

One clue that a mountain is young is if it has sharp, jagged peaks and steep slopes. This indicates that the mountain has undergone recent tectonic activity, such as uplift or faulting. In contrast, an old mountain would have more rounded peaks and gentle slopes due to erosion over time.

Why are young mountains sharp and jagged while the peaks of an old mountains are rounded?

Young mountains have sharp and jagged peaks because they are still being uplifted and eroded, which creates steep slopes and rugged features. Old mountains have rounded peaks due to the prolonged effects of weathering and erosion, which softens and smoothens the once sharp features over time.

How did weathering help to shape the Appalachian Mountains?

Weathering rounded the mountains by breaking down jagged peaks.

What dose the name Sierra mean?

Sierra means "mountain range" in Spanish, referring specifically to a mountain range with jagged peaks.

What does the name 'Sierra' mean?

The name Sierra means 'mountain range' in Spanish. It specifically means a mountain range with jagged peaks.

Why do mountains have rounded?

the peaks become weathered and eroded. that's why the peaks are rounded.