

Can a time series plot be an ogive?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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9y ago

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If I knew what an ogive was, I'd tell you if a time series plot could be one! Please edit the question or write a new one and use English words.

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Q: Can a time series plot be an ogive?
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Is an ogive a graph of cumulative frequency distribution?

yes. An ogive is also known as a cumulative frequency graph.

What is the difference between an ogive and a frequency polygon?

The ogive never close because they represent non-decreasing functions, and polygon you close it.

How many square feet make a plot?

A plot of land can be different sizes. I have had an acre plot, and a quarter of an acre plot. So they can be different.

How many square meters are there in a plot of land?

depends on how big the plot is

Why do we study graphs and diagrams?

Graphs and other visual aids may suggest certain trends and relationships. I will use the word "plot" to cover all visual aids. A very common plot is the time plot, where we can observe changes in a variable over a period of time, such as birth rates, personal incomes or number of cars bought. Two or more variable can be plotted on the same plot, for instance the oil prices, gold, copper and silver over time is an interesting plot showing the effects of economic growth. We can plot one variable on the x axis and one on the y axis, to see the relationship between the two. For example, on the x-axis we may have people's income and on the y-axis, the level of education. Plots should be informative and lead to more evaluation of data. But there also misleading graphs. If I want to show that I am a good investor, perhaps I show only a period where my investments have gone up. Behind every plot, there should be data that can be verified. By studying descriptive statistics, which covers ways of visualizing data, we can better identify meaningful plots from deceptive ones.

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Which of the following types of graphs is best for seeing a cumulative pattern in the data Histogram Ogive Scatter plot Stem-and-leaf?

Scatter Plot.

What is an ogive curve?

Ogive is an free hand uprising curve

How you CAN draw an 'ogive'?

First, get a pencil, some paper and a stencil of an Ogive. Then you fill in the stencil. Job done

Is an ogive a graph of cumulative frequency distribution?

yes. An ogive is also known as a cumulative frequency graph.

What are interpolation of ogive curve?

An ogive is a cumulative relative frequency diagram. Interpolation is definiting the midpoint (50%) of this line

What is the difference between an ogive and a frequency polygon?

The ogive never close because they represent non-decreasing functions, and polygon you close it.

What does the point of intersection of less than ogive and more than ogive correspond to?

the intersection of less and more than ogive gives us the median of the following data.. but the median is not accurate as we draw the free hand cumulative graph..

The series of related events that make up a story is known as?

It is the stories plot

How do you construct a more than type cumulative frequency distribution?

Ogive (Cumulative Frequency Curve) There are two ways of constructing an ogive or cumulative frequency curve. (Ogive is pronounced as O-jive). The curve is usually of 'S' shape. We illustrate both methods by examples given below: Draw a 'less than' ogive curve for the following data: To Plot an Ogive: (i) We plot the points with coordinates having abscissae as actual limits and ordinates as the cumulative frequencies, (10, 2), (20, 10), (30, 22), (40, 40), (50, 68), (60, 90), (70, 96) and (80, 100) are the coordinates of the points. (ii) Join the points plotted by a smooth curve. (iii) An Ogive is connected to a point on the X-axis representing the actual lower limit of the first class. Scale: X -axis 1 cm = 10 marks, Y -axis 1cm = 10 c.f. Using the data given below, construct a 'more than' cumulative frequency table and draw the Ogive. To Plot an Ogive (i) We plot the points with coordinates having abscissae as actual lower limits and ordinates as the cumulative frequencies, (70.5, 2), (60.5, 7), (50.5, 13), (40.5, 23), (30.5, 37), (20.5, 49), (10.5, 57), (0.5, 60) are the coordinates of the points. (ii) Join the points by a smooth curve. (iii) An Ogive is connected to a point on the X-axis representing the actual upper limit of the last class [in this case) i.e., point (80.5, 0)]. Scale: X-axis 1 cm = 10 marks Y-axis 2 cm = 10 c.f To reconstruct frequency distribution from cumulative frequency distribution. When we write, 'less than 10 - less than 0', the difference give the frequency 4 for the class interval (0 - 10) and so on. When we write 'more than 0 - more than 10', the difference gives the frequency 4 for the class interval (0 - 10) and so on. Ogive (Cumulative Frequency Curve) There are two ways of constructing an ogive or cumulative frequency curve. (Ogive is pronounced as O-jive). The curve is usually of 'S' shape. We illustrate both methods by examples given below: Draw a 'less than' ogive curve for the following data: To Plot an Ogive: (i) We plot the points with coordinates having abscissae as actual limits and ordinates as the cumulative frequencies, (10, 2), (20, 10), (30, 22), (40, 40), (50, 68), (60, 90), (70, 96) and (80, 100) are the coordinates of the points. (ii) Join the points plotted by a smooth curve. (iii) An Ogive is connected to a point on the X-axis representing the actual lower limit of the first class. Scale: X -axis 1 cm = 10 marks, Y -axis 1cm = 10 c.f. Using the data given below, construct a 'more than' cumulative frequency table and draw the Ogive. To Plot an Ogive (i) We plot the points with coordinates having abscissae as actual lower limits and ordinates as the cumulative frequencies, (70.5, 2), (60.5, 7), (50.5, 13), (40.5, 23), (30.5, 37), (20.5, 49), (10.5, 57), (0.5, 60) are the coordinates of the points. (ii) Join the points by a smooth curve. (iii) An Ogive is connected to a point on the X-axis representing the actual upper limit of the last class [in this case) i.e., point (80.5, 0)]. Scale: X-axis 1 cm = 10 marks Y-axis 2 cm = 10 c.f To reconstruct frequency distribution from cumulative frequency distribution. When we write, 'less than 10 - less than 0', the difference give the frequency 4 for the class interval (0 - 10) and so on. When we write 'more than 0 - more than 10', the difference gives the frequency 4 for the class interval (0 - 10) and so on.

What is represented on the y axis to draw an ogive?

The y-axis of an ogive is always the cumulative frequencies while the x-axis is the class boundaries.

What can a secondary series of events in a story be identified as?

A secondary series of events in a story can be identified as a sub-plot. This refers to a plot that is secondary in comparison to the main, overarching plot.

Word for a Series of related events that make up a story?

The series of related events that make up a story are known as its plot.