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Q: Analogy word for clipping
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What is the example of clipping?

Clipping is like abbreviating, cutting a word short. For example, the word photo is really photograph, clipped to photo; info is information clipped to info.

What word will correctly complete this analogy shock jar vessel?

The word "an" will correctly complete the analogy. "Shock" is an adjective describing "jar", so the word that completes the analogy should be a word that describes "vessel."

A sentence for analogy using the word analogy?

If you make an analogy between two things, you show they are alike in some and my friend are a analogy

Can you give me an examples of Clipping?

In Morphology:Clipping (reducing) is a form of shortening words by a segment of letters, removing them completely. Clipped words retain the core message (default meaning of the word) which they convey.There are three types of clipping: fore clipping, back clipping and mixed.Fore clipping - removing a segment of letters which are in front of the word.Example: the word 'telephone' can be fore clipped by removing the 'tele' segment, creating a shortened version: 'phone' [telephone]Back clipping - removing a segment of letters which are in the back.Example: the word 'advertisement' can be shortened to 'advert' [advertisement], or even further, to 'ad' [advertisement].Mixed - usually a combination of both: removing a segment of letters from the front as well as the back of the word.Example: the word 'influenza' can be clipped by removing the segments 'in' and 'enza', resulting in 'flu' [influenza].Clipping often helps creating different word formations such as Backformation (clipping + conversion) or Hypoconism (clipping + affixation [also known as derivation]).

Which word set completes the following analogy incompetent adequate?

The word set that completes the analogy is incapable capable.