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Q: After setting tile how long should you wait to grout?
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How long should it take to tile a small bathroom that is 3 by 3 metres with very large tiles?

Depending on the tilesetter, but typically a couple days. The floor needs to be prepared and if there was any patching it may need to dry. The tilesetter may want to come back the next day. Then the tile needs to be set and if the tilesetter has good tools that should only take an hour or two. Then the mortar needs to set before the tilesetter can do the grout. Grouting should take most of a day since the grout needs to cure while it is being cleaned. You should not walk on the tile while the grout is setting up and sealing the grout should wait for a few days. The time involved isn't so much a funciton of the size of the tile job, but more a function of the mortar and grout setting times.

Can ceramic tiles become loose if no grout is applied?

No it shouldn't, but you should still grout your tile.


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Do you seal travertine tile before you grout?

Yes, it is recommended to seal travertine tile before grouting to protect it from potential staining or discoloration caused by the grout. Sealing the tile will also make it easier to clean and maintain in the long run.


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How can you install tile without grout lines?

No, the grout allows for tile expansion and contractions, without it your tile could crack but there are some tile that can be installed with minimal (1/16inch) grout lines.

Tile Grout?

form_title= Tile Grout form_header= Give your home a face lift with new tile grout! Do you want to install new grout?*= () Yes () No () Not Sure Do you want to clean out old grout?*= () Yes () No () Not Sure What color do you want the grout?*= _ [50] How old is the grout in your home? *= _ [50]

Should the grout for a tile floor match or contrast with the tiles?

Grout should usually be white or contrast with the tiles, but it truly depends on your preferences.


Ceramic Tile Grout Cleaning Marble Cleaning Services Tile And Grout Cleaners Kitchen Tile Cleaning Porcelain Tiles Cleaning Pool Tile Cleaning Professional Grout Cleaners

How do you tile?

With grout