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Velds are known as the "maize triangle" due to the fertile soils and ideal climate conditions found in this region, making it highly suitable for maize cultivation. The velds in South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Zambia form a triangle where maize production is a significant agricultural activity, hence the nickname.

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Q: Why velds are known as the maize triangle?
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Why veld are known as maize triangle?

The region known as the maize triangle is characterized by its fertile soil and ideal climate conditions for growing maize. Veld refers to open grassland areas in Southern Africa, where much of the maize triangle is located. The combination of veld and optimal farming conditions makes it a prime area for maize cultivation, hence the nickname.

What is a maize triangle?

It's the main maize growing area in South Africa.

What are the 2 main features of velds?

The two main features of velds are their open grasslands and sparse tree cover. Velds are characteristic of South Africa and other parts of southern Africa.

What is maize flour?

Finely ground corn (also known as maize)

What is another name for corn?

corn can be known as mealies in South Africa

Why agriculture is not so imp. in velds as in prairies?

The Prairies are totally depended on the agriculture , also known as ''Garnary of the world'' but the Velds are known for cattle rearing and minning , rich specie of Marino sheep and large deposits of mineral wealth. Thus, agriculture in veld is not as important as in the Prairies .

What are the flora of velds?

The vegetation cover is sparse. Grasses dominate the landscape. Red grass grows in bush velds. In the high velds acacia and maroola are seen to be growing.

What type of climate is in velds grasslands?

Velds grasslands typically have a temperate climate with distinct wet and dry seasons. These grasslands experience hot summers and cooler winters. They can also be prone to periodic droughts.

What are the ten towns that form the south African maize triangle?

Zeerust, Ladybrand and Ermelo

Corn is also known as?


What is maize also commonly known as?

Maize is also commonly known as corn, which is a vegetable grown on stalks. Maize is also another name for a yellowish color, which can be found in most crayon boxes.

What is the homophones of maize and the meaning of maize?

The homophones for "maize" are "maze" and "maise." Maize is a type of grain crop that is also known as corn, commonly used for food and animal feed.