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Land prices are typically higher in urban areas due to higher demand for limited space, driven by factors such as population density, access to amenities and services, and economic opportunities. Urban areas also tend to have higher development and infrastructure costs, further contributing to the overall price of land. In contrast, rural areas have lower demand, less development, and fewer amenities, leading to lower land prices.

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Q: Why the land prices are expensive in urban areas as compared to rural areas?
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Why did the move to rural areas contribute to decline in literacy?

The move to rural areas contributed to a decline in literacy because access to education and resources, such as schools and libraries, was limited in rural areas compared to urban areas. This lack of access to educational opportunities hindered the development of literacy skills among rural populations.

Are rural areas poor?

Rural areas can have higher rates of poverty compared to urban areas due to factors such as limited job opportunities, lower wages, and limited access to services. However, it's important to note that not all rural areas are poor, and there can be significant variation in economic conditions within rural regions.

What does rural periphery mean?

Rural periphery refers to areas around rural communities that are on the outskirts or borders of those communities. These areas are often less developed and have lower population density compared to the central portions of rural areas.

What is the difference between semi-urban areas and rural areas?

Semi-urban areas are transitional zones between urban and rural areas, with some urban characteristics like better infrastructure and services, but still maintaining a predominantly rural lifestyle. Rural areas are typically characterized by lower population density, agriculture-based economies, and limited access to amenities and services compared to urban areas.

What does rural and urban areas contain?

Rural areas typically have smaller population densities, more agriculture or natural landscapes, and limited infrastructure compared to urban areas. Urban areas, on the other hand, have higher population densities, more developed infrastructure, and a concentration of businesses, industries, and cultural amenities.

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Rural areas

What are the characteristics of rural areas?

Rural areas are generally known to have very few buildings or less expensive looking buildings. There is sparse population density and a lack of industries.

Is Rural land more expensive than Urban land?

In general, urban land tends to be more expensive than rural land due to higher demand, limited availability, and the cost of infrastructure and amenities in urban areas. However, prices can vary widely depending on location, market conditions, and other factors.

What is the reason of greater death rate of babies in rural areas as compared to urban areas?

Availability of hearth care.

Why did the move to rural areas contribute to decline in literacy?

The move to rural areas contributed to a decline in literacy because access to education and resources, such as schools and libraries, was limited in rural areas compared to urban areas. This lack of access to educational opportunities hindered the development of literacy skills among rural populations.

Need a sentence for the word rural?

Rural areas are characterized by open spaces, agricultural landscapes, and a smaller population density compared to urban settings.

Are rural areas poor?

Rural areas can have higher rates of poverty compared to urban areas due to factors such as limited job opportunities, lower wages, and limited access to services. However, it's important to note that not all rural areas are poor, and there can be significant variation in economic conditions within rural regions.

How much does a liter of gas cost in London?

As of May 2009, basic unleaded is between 99p and £1.04. Prices in London and other major cities will be slightly more expensive than suburban or rural areas.

What were the problems of rural areas I am The Great Depression?

Rural areas were particularly hard hit during the great depression because of a concurrent drought that affected America's major agricultural areas. Food and commodities prices fell large amounts putting even more economic stress on rural communities. Rural areas were particularly hard hit during the great depression because of a concurrent drought that affected America's major agricultural areas. Food and commodities prices fell large amounts putting even more economic stress on rural communities.

What does rural periphery mean?

Rural periphery refers to areas around rural communities that are on the outskirts or borders of those communities. These areas are often less developed and have lower population density compared to the central portions of rural areas.

What parts of the country have the lowest prices for house rentals?

House rentals are less expensive in areas that are farther away from city centers. Properties in small towns and rural areas generally rent for less in order to compensate for the lack of nearby services, shopping, etc.

Do more citizens live in an urban area or a rural area?

More citizens live in urban areas than in rural areas. Urban areas are typically characterized by higher population densities, larger infrastructure, and more economic opportunities, leading to a larger concentration of residents compared to rural areas.