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Deserts are commonly found on the western margins of continents due to the presence of cold oceanic currents that create stable high-pressure systems, leading to dry air and little precipitation. Additionally, these areas are often in the rain shadow of mountain ranges, further reducing rainfall. The combination of these factors results in arid conditions and the formation of deserts in these regions.

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Q: Why most of the deserts are located in the western margins of continents in the subtopics?
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What are the true edges of continents?

The true edges of continents are known as continental margins, which consist of the continental shelf, continental slope, and continental rise. These margins mark the transition from the continent to the ocean basin and can extend hundreds of kilometers from the shoreline.

Why can paper cutouts of the continents including the continental margins be pieced together to form a single whole?

Paper cutouts of the continents can be pieced together to form a single whole is because the continents were at one point all connected, which was the super continent Pangaea.

What are five pieces of evidence that the continents used to be all connected?

Fossil evidence of the same species found on multiple continents. Matching geological formations across continents, such as mountain ranges. Similar rock formations and ages of rocks on different continents. Paleoclimatic evidence, like glacial deposits in areas that are now far from the poles. Fit of continental shelf margins, where coastlines align when continents are pieced together.

Active mountain belts are most likely to be found where?

Active mountain belts are most likely to be found along tectonic plate boundaries, particularly convergent boundaries where two plates collide. This collision forces the crust to buckle and fold, creating mountain ranges. Examples of active mountain belts include the Andes in South America and the Himalayas in Asia.

True or false large nodes of industrial office and retail activities at the margins of urban areas in the us called edged cities?

True. Edged cities are large nodes of industrial, office, and retail activities that have developed at the fringes or margins of urban areas in the United States. These areas often have a distinct urban character and can function as separate economic and social centers.

Related questions

Why most world deserts are located in the western margins of the continents in the subtropics?

because the places there are more warm. if it was for instance England then it would be all wet

Why most of the world's deserts are located in the western margins of continents in the sub tropics?

It is so because the westerlies(a kind of permanent or planetary wind) loses its moisture while it reaches the western margins of the world so it is not able to shed rains in that particular region.

Why most of the world's deserts are located in western margins of continents in the sub tropical?

It is so because the westerlies(a kind of permanent or planetary wind) loses its moisture while it reaches the western margins of the world so it is not able to shed rains in that particular region.

Why are hot deserts located on the western margins of continents in the tropical regions?

Hot deserts are located on the western margins of continents in tropical regions because of the presence of subtropical high-pressure systems, such as the subtropical high-pressure belt known as the Hadley Cell. These high-pressure systems lead to dry conditions and little precipitation in these areas, resulting in the formation of deserts. The western margins of continents are often drier because prevailing winds carry moisture from the ocean towards the interior of the continents, leaving the western coasts dry and arid.

Are all plate boundaries located along the margins of continents?

No. Many plate boundaries are on the seafloor far from continents and several are well within continents.

What is something similar between active and passive margins continents?

Both active and passive margins are found at the edges of continents. Active margins are associated with tectonic activity and are typically marked by earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountain building, while passive margins are geologically stable and characterized by broad continental shelves and sediment deposition.

What are the true edges of continents?

The true edges of continents are known as continental margins, which consist of the continental shelf, continental slope, and continental rise. These margins mark the transition from the continent to the ocean basin and can extend hundreds of kilometers from the shoreline.

Why are most deserts located at the western margins of continents in the subtropics?

While some deserts are on western margins of continents, most desert land isn't. The main Asian deserts happen to be in the middle of the continent, the Sahara spreads right across North Africa from west to east, and Australia's deserts are also largely central. And then there's the entire continent of Antarctica, a desert due to its low level of precipitation.

Why are most of the world's deserts located on the western margins of Africa?

Africa has only one desert located on the western margin and that is the Namib Desert. The Namib Desert is a relatively small desert. The Sahara, on the other hand, covers most of northern Africa and is a huge desert, the second largest in the world.

Are the edges of the continents the same as the boundaries of the plates?

No. Not all plate boundaries are at the edges of continents, nor do all edges of continents correspond with plate boundaries. Many plate boundaries are found in the middle of oceans, while the continent of Africa is being torn apart by a developing plate boundary. Some edges of continents, such as the west coast of South America are near plate boundaries. These are called active continental margins. Others, such as the east coast of North America, are nowhere near plate boundaries. These are called passive continental margins.

Are the edges of continents the same as the boundaries of plates?

No. Not all plate boundaries are at the edges of continents, nor do all edges of continents correspond with plate boundaries. Many plate boundaries are found in the middle of oceans, while the continent of Africa is being torn apart by a developing plate boundary. Some edges of continents, such as the west coast of South America are near plate boundaries. These are called active continental margins. Others, such as the east coast of North America, are nowhere near plate boundaries. These are called passive continental margins.

Are the edge of continents the same as the boundaries of plates?

No. Not all plate boundaries are at the edges of continents, nor do all edges of continents correspond with plate boundaries. Many plate boundaries are found in the middle of oceans, while the continent of Africa is being torn apart by a developing plate boundary. Some edges of continents, such as the west coast of South America are near plate boundaries. These are called active continental margins. Others, such as the east coast of North America, are nowhere near plate boundaries. These are called passive continental margins.