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The northeast US has more variability in its climate due to its location where cold air from the Arctic clashes with warm air from the Gulf of Mexico, resulting in dynamic weather patterns and seasonal changes. In contrast, the northwest US is influenced more by maritime air masses and the presence of the Pacific Ocean, leading to more moderate and stable climate conditions.

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Q: Why does the northeast of the US have more varibility in its climate then the northwest?
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Is Sacramento northeast or northwest?

Sacramento is located in the northern central part of California, making it neither in the northeast nor northwest direction. It is more accurately situated in the northern region of the state.

What is the difference between Northeast and southeast climate?

Northeast climate typically experiences four distinct seasons with cold winters and hot summers. On the other hand, Southeast climate tends to be more humid and subtropical, with milder winters and hot, humid summers. The Southeast also receives more rainfall throughout the year compared to the Northeast.

What are intermediat directions?

Intermediate directions are the directions that fall between the cardinal directions (north, south, east, west). They are northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest. These directions help provide more specific orientation and are commonly used in navigation and giving directions.

How is agriculture in the south is different from agriculture in the northeast?

Agriculture in the South tends to focus more on crops like cotton, tobacco, and citrus fruits due to the region's climate. In contrast, agriculture in the Northeast is more diversified and includes dairy farming, vegetable production, and maple syrup production due to its cooler climate and varied terrain. The Northeast also tends to have smaller farm sizes compared to the larger plantation-style farms found in the South.

What 2 countries border the country turkey?

Greece and Bulgaria border Turkey to the northwest, while Georgia and Armenia border Turkey to the northeast.

Related questions

Is Sacramento northeast or northwest?

Sacramento is located in the northern central part of California, making it neither in the northeast nor northwest direction. It is more accurately situated in the northern region of the state.

What is the difference between Northeast and southeast climate?

Northeast climate typically experiences four distinct seasons with cold winters and hot summers. On the other hand, Southeast climate tends to be more humid and subtropical, with milder winters and hot, humid summers. The Southeast also receives more rainfall throughout the year compared to the Northeast.

Did the northeast create the totem poles?

Yes, but they were orders of mangitude more common in the Pacific Northwest.

Give an example of intermediate direction?

Well if your talking about intermediate DIRECTONS it is northeast, northwest & many more!

Why does the northeast of the US have more variability in its climate than the northwest?

The northeast US is influenced by both continental and maritime air masses, resulting in greater variability in weather patterns. In contrast, the northwest US is predominantly affected by maritime air masses from the Pacific Ocean, leading to more consistent and milder temperatures. The presence of the Appalachian Mountains in the northeast also contributes to climate variability by influencing wind patterns and precipitation.

What are the top five lumber producing states?

I am guessing they are either in the northwest or northeast. Probably more in the northwestern states. Washington, Oregon, Idaho -- then maybe in northeast - Maine , Upper New York or upper Vermont.

What are intermediat directions?

Intermediate directions are the directions that fall between the cardinal directions (north, south, east, west). They are northeast, southeast, southwest, and northwest. These directions help provide more specific orientation and are commonly used in navigation and giving directions.

Would you expect hurricanes to form over the oceans off the northeast or northwest coasts of the US Explain.?

Hurricanes are more likely to form over the oceans off the southeast coast of the US rather than the northeast or northwest coasts. This is because the warm waters of the Atlantic Ocean, especially in the Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico, provide the necessary heat and moisture for hurricane formation. The cooler waters off the northeast and northwest coasts are less conducive to hurricane development.

How is agriculture in the south is different from agriculture in the northeast?

Agriculture in the South tends to focus more on crops like cotton, tobacco, and citrus fruits due to the region's climate. In contrast, agriculture in the Northeast is more diversified and includes dairy farming, vegetable production, and maple syrup production due to its cooler climate and varied terrain. The Northeast also tends to have smaller farm sizes compared to the larger plantation-style farms found in the South.

What has more cities Midwest west or northeast?

I'll say midwesthas more cites than Northeast.

Why didn't the Spaniards settle in the Northwest?

The harsh climate and rugged terrain of the Northwest made it less appealing for Spanish settlers. Additionally, the Spanish focused their colonization efforts more on regions with greater access to resources and strategic importance, such as Central and South America.

The southeast has warmer temperatures than the Northeast and Midwest because it is?

The southeast has warmer temperatures than the Northeast and Midwest because it is closer to the equator, which receives more direct sunlight throughout the year. Additionally, the southeast has a more humid climate due to its proximity to the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean, which can contribute to higher temperatures.