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These cities developed in strategic locations due to factors such as access to water sources for agriculture and trade, proximity to major trade routes connecting different regions, and favorable geographical conditions that provided natural defenses against invasions. Additionally, their locations made them important cultural and economic hubs, attracting people from various backgrounds and contributing to their growth and significance over time.

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Q: Why did cities of Baghdad Cairo and Damascus develop in the locations they did?
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Why did the cities of Baghdad Cairo and Damascus develop in the location they did?

Baghdad, Cairo, and Damascus developed in strategic locations due to factors like proximity to trade routes, fertile land for agriculture, and access to water sources such as rivers (Tigris-Euphrates for Baghdad, Nile for Cairo, and Barada River for Damascus). These cities became important cultural, political, and economic centers in their respective regions as a result of their advantageous geographic positioning.

What three major cities were on trade from the Mediterranean?

Baghdad, Cairo, and Damascus

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Baghdad, Cairo, and Damascus

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Baghdad, Cairo, and Damascus

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What was the main source of income of the cities of Baghdad and constantinople?

The main source of income of the cities of Baghdad and Constantinople are agriculture, industry, and trade. Constantinople is located in the country Turkey and Baghdad is the capital of Iraq.

How many cities named with damascus?

There is only one City in Syria that has been named Damascus.