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European nations sent explorers to find a new route to Asia in order to establish direct trade with Asian markets for valuable goods like spices, silk, and tea. They were also seeking to bypass the existing land and sea routes controlled by the Ottoman Empire and Middle Eastern traders, which were expensive and limited. Additionally, there was a desire to spread Christianity to new territories and convert people to the faith.

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Q: Why did European nations sent explores to find a new route to Asian?
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European nations sent explorers in search of a northwest passage to find what?

European nations sent explorers in search of a Northwest Passage to find a direct sea route to Asia. This route was believed to offer a quicker and easier way for Europeans to trade with Asia, bypassing the long and dangerous journey around the Cape of Good Hope or through the Strait of Magellan. Ultimately, the search for the Northwest Passage led to the mapping of new territories in North America.

Why did europeans countries want to find a shorter route to the far east?

European countries wanted to find a shorter route to the Far East to reduce the time and cost of trade with Asian markets for valuable goods such as spices, silk, and porcelain. The existing routes through land and sea were long and dangerous, prompting explorers to seek more efficient alternatives to gain a competitive advantage in the lucrative trade.

Why was finding a short route to Asia so important?

Finding a short route to Asia was important because it would allow for quicker and more efficient trade with Asia, enabling European countries to access valuable goods such as spices, silk, and other luxury items. This would give those nations a competitive edge in the lucrative trade market and help to increase their wealth and power.

Where can one purchase an AA Classic European Route Planner?

You can purchase an AA Classic European Route Planner online through websites like Amazon or through the AA Shop website. Additionally, some bookstores or travel stores may also carry it.

Why is north Atlantic route the busiest route in the world?

The North Atlantic route is the busiest in the world due to it being a major corridor connecting North America and Europe. It is favored for its shorter flying time and favorable winds that aid in fuel efficiency. It also serves as a key route for business and leisure travel between the two continents.

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The Chinese tried to limit European trade and involvement in the mid-1760s in various ways. The mainly did this by barricading the South China Sea which was a trade route for the European nations.

Which 2 European countries sent explores in search of a sea route to Asia?

Almost every country in Europe tried to find a way to Asia, the two most predominate ones were Spain and Portugal.

Why did the European nations become interested in all water route to Asia?

To circumvent the costly overland trade which required them to trade with the Muslim world (the Middle East).

Western European nations sent explorers in search of a northwest passage to find what?

they wanted to find a direct water route to north america

How did the Chinese try to limit European trade and involvement in the mid-1760's?

The Chinese tried to limit European trade and involvement in the mid-1760s in various ways. The mainly did this by barricading the South China Sea which was a trade route for the European nations.

Who was the explorer in search of the Asian trade route?

Marco Polo was one Asian explorer.

European nations sent explorers in search of a northwest passage to find what?

European nations sent explorers in search of a Northwest Passage to find a direct sea route to Asia. This route was believed to offer a quicker and easier way for Europeans to trade with Asia, bypassing the long and dangerous journey around the Cape of Good Hope or through the Strait of Magellan. Ultimately, the search for the Northwest Passage led to the mapping of new territories in North America.

What was the sea route called that early explores looked for in the 1500s?

The NorthWest Passage

What route did Columbus and subsequent explores take to the Americas?

It took him to the New World

Explores in the early 1500s looked for a sea route through North America. What was the sea route called?

The Northwest Passage Apex;;;