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Lowlands are more suitable for farming than highlands because they typically have fertile soil that is good for agriculture, as well as access to water sources for irrigation. Lowlands also tend to have milder weather conditions, which can support a wider variety of crops to be grown compared to the harsher conditions in the highlands.

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Q: Why are lowlands more suitable for farming than the highlands?
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What are three differences between highlands and lowlands?

Highlands are typically located at higher elevations, while lowlands are at lower elevations. Highlands usually have cooler temperatures and shorter growing seasons compared to lowlands. Lowlands are often more suitable for agriculture and settlement due to their fertile soils and milder climates.

What were the two geographic regions of the Maya homeland?

The Maya homeland consisted of the southern lowlands and the northern highlands of Mesoamerica. The southern lowlands were characterized by dense rainforests, while the northern highlands had more varied terrain with mountains and plateaus.

Why is temperature in highlands lower than that of lowlands?

Temperature in highlands is lower than that of lowlands because of the higher elevation in highlands. As altitude increases, the air becomes less dense and can hold less heat, resulting in lower temperatures. Additionally, highlands are often exposed to cooler air masses and experience more rapid temperature changes due to factors like wind and cloud cover.

What is Rugged land that extends more than 2000 feet above sea level?

Highlands are rugged lands that extend more than 2000 feet above sea level. They are characterized by steep slopes, rocky terrain, and often cooler climates compared to lowlands. Highlands are important for biodiversity and water resource conservation.

What is the difference between the highlands lowlands and uplands of Scotland?

Highlands generally refer to the mountainous region in the north and west, while Lowlands describe the more populated and flatter areas in the south. Uplands are the areas of higher elevation within both the Highlands and Lowlands of Scotland.

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What are three differences between highlands and lowlands?

Highlands are typically located at higher elevations, while lowlands are at lower elevations. Highlands usually have cooler temperatures and shorter growing seasons compared to lowlands. Lowlands are often more suitable for agriculture and settlement due to their fertile soils and milder climates.

Difference between lowlands and highlands?

Lowlands are typically flat or gently sloping areas at lower elevations, while highlands are elevated regions with varying topography, such as hills or mountains. Lowlands are often more suitable for agriculture and urban development, while highlands may have unique ecosystems and provide important habitats for wildlife.

What resources did the Mayan get from the highlands and the lowlands?

Maya get from the Highlands and lowlands of Mesoamerica is that if you go more then ( 4, 000) you could die and the lowland is only up to ( 200) that is not that much.

Why do most Japanese live on the plains and lowlands?

Most Japanese live on the plains and lowlands because these areas are more suitable for agriculture, settlement, and infrastructure development. The plains offer fertile soil for farming, and lowlands provide easier access to water sources, transportation networks, and urban centers. Additionally, areas prone to natural disasters, such as mountains and highlands, are less populated due to safety concerns.

Compared with the land in the highlands the lowlands region of England is?

coverd by more fertile farmland

Compared with the land in the Highlands the Lowlands region of England is .?

coverd by more fertile farmland

In contrast to the southern uplands and highlands the central lowlands of Scotland?

supports a higher percentage is more likely to maintain ancient trabitions

What were the two geographic regions of the Maya homeland?

The Maya homeland consisted of the southern lowlands and the northern highlands of Mesoamerica. The southern lowlands were characterized by dense rainforests, while the northern highlands had more varied terrain with mountains and plateaus.

Why is temperature in highlands lower than that of lowlands?

Temperature in highlands is lower than that of lowlands because of the higher elevation in highlands. As altitude increases, the air becomes less dense and can hold less heat, resulting in lower temperatures. Additionally, highlands are often exposed to cooler air masses and experience more rapid temperature changes due to factors like wind and cloud cover.

Is Europe's major farming regions are in the north or the south?

South, more suitable climate.

Europe's major farming regions are in the north or the south why?

South, more suitable climate.

Is Europe major farming regions are in the south or north and why?

South, more suitable climate.